This week year 5 have been exploring how shadows are formed. We worked collaboratively to carry out our class investigation of making shadows using a torch, a object and white card. At the end of the exciting lesson the children had found out that the further the object is from the light source the longer the shadow is.
Today we visited the BCLM, although it was very cold it was an enjoyable day. We followed the trail of two Victorian children and compared each others lives. The children found out how coal was mined and how it was brought to the surface for distribution. They found out how a Toll worked also, that large families at times were housed together in a tiny house.
After designing their own hero, Year 3 have been busy in creating collages. Everyone has been working hard to recreate their designs using a range of media.
It has been great to see children working together to help each other solve problems and achieve the desired effect. Keep an eye out for the finished pieces
This week in literacy we have been planning a diary entry about an Anglo-Saxon invasion. The children took on different roles and played the vile, repulsive raiders. They travelled on their long boats across the North sea and finally arrived in Northumbria. When they spotted villages, they began to attack the settlers and destroy their homes. They stole their precious jewellery, cattle and took over their land.
We have been creating our own Pudding Lane Bakery in Year 2. We have made lots of bright, colourful flames to show just how fierce the fire was in the bakery. We can now pretend we were actually there when the fire started and can understand just how scary and frightening it must have been!
Last week the children were lucky enough to experience Forest Schools with Mrs Grant in our lovely forest area outside. Mrs Grant showed us how to start a fire and what fire needed to burn. Importantly, she also gave us some rules that would keep us safe around fire. For example, if anyone did set part of their clothes on fire, they had to STOP…… DROP…. and ROLL!
We drank delicious hot chocolates with gooey marshmallows inside them! What a treat! We also listened to one of our favourite stories while we were sat around the fire trying to keep ourselves warm. We all had a fantastic time and it was great to see what a real fire looks like!
Year 2 have been learning about The Great Fire of London. We have been exploring what life was like in 1666 and why the fire started. We found out the fire started in a little bakery owned by Thomas Farriner on Pudding Lane. A tiny spark from his oven set the bakery on fire and eventually it spread all around London and destroying many homes and businesses.
At home, the children have been making fantastic houses that represent what a house would have looked like in 1666! Have a look at how amazing some of them are!
Thank you to all of the parents and families who have helped to make these wonderful creations!
Year 1 are learning about our local environment – Nechells in Geography. We have been learning about physical and human features and how to ask geographical questions. We know that physical features are features that are natural and human features are features that are man-made. On our walk to the Post Office, we noticed lots of human features; houses, shops, road sign etc. We are going to learn some mapping skills and create a map for Mrs Ali to show her how to get back to school from the Post Office.
Year 5 have learnt all about shading and smudging and have been using this technique to create shapes and shadows that can be seen on the moon’s surface. We have used our knowledge of the moon’s craters to make these images. First, we used a viewfinder to choose a section of the moon’s surface. Then we shaded with chalk and smudged with our fingertips to create different effects.
On Friday 16th November, Year 4 had an Anglo-Saxon drama workshop. We acted out different events that happened during the Anglo-Saxon period in history. We learnt some new historical vocabulary such as invaders, settlers and raiders. Also we learnt the names of some Anglo-Saxon God and Goddess. Did you know that the Anglo-Saxon’s believed in more than one god? Our special visitor used the Anglo-Saxon alphabet to predict Mahamed’s and Humayra’s future just like they did during the Anglo-Saxon times. At the end of our workshop, we acted out the famous story Beowulf, who was played by Isaiah and Ubaidullah played the role of the evil monster Grendel.
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