Final electrical circuits

At last the Arctic animals and lighthouses are complete.The children thought hard about their end designs. If they were not  able  to light it up then they had to problem solve and find the break in the circuit. The  children were able to follow  their design brief and select appropriate electrical materials to complete their circuit.

Non-fiction learning

This week we have been learning about non-fiction books.  We have learnt to look out for features such as; a contents page, labels, captions, an index page and a glossary.  We looked through lots of books to see if we could find the non-fiction books using a checklist of features.  We sorted fiction and non-fiction books so well!

We have made our own pages of a non fiction book about ‘My Amazing Body’.  We labelled a leg and a whole skeleton!  Then we wrote captions about parts of our body and our organs.  We even thought about the job each organ can do.  Well done Year One for such enthusiastic learning this week!

We love the outdoors!

The children have been busy doing some fantastic learning outside this week. We have set up some different areas for the children to play in. You may have noticed our new garage role play, reading area, writing and maths sheds and our ‘Three Bears’ cottage! We have also explored some autumn vegetables and used acorns, conkers, and leaves to create art work. 




The children have voted and this years Pupil Council and UNICEF representatives have been chosen.

Together they will be called ‘Children Champions’ and will carry out a range of tasks. Firstly, they will be looking at changing the academy’s house point system and designing and calculating cost for a KS2 outdoor classroom. Whilst carrying out these jobs the Champions will also be collecting pupil voice and making sure the views of the students of St. Clements Academy are heard.

Article 12: Every child has the right to express their
views, feelings and wishes in all matters
affecting them, and to have their views
considered and taken seriously. This right
applies at all times, for example during
immigration proceedings, housing decisions
or the child’s day-to-day home life.

Well done to you all.

Year 3 – Trip to BMAG

This week has been a exciting week for year 3, on Monday, Y3 caught the train into the city centre to visit Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery to learn more about our topic ‘Gods and Mortals’. This topic is based around the Ancient Greeks and Y3 will be finding out more across this half term.

At the museum we explored the Ancient Greek gallery, sketched and designed an amphora pot with a geometric design. This design was created by looking at the different pots and recreating it by sketching and adding the fine detail. Also in the gallery we carried out a treasure hunt, where we found the Ancient Greek equivalents of everyday objects, e.g. a jug or mug. Year 3 also found out more about each of the different gods and designed an offering for them.

Finally we worked with Anna, the museum lady and handled different artefacts looking at what they were and what they are used for. This was exciting for year 3 because they were given the opportunity to create a condition report explaining what the condition of each artefact is like. They were also given the opportunity to clean some of the artifacts using a cotton bud and working collaboratively to get it cleaned.
Ask Y3 to tell you more about our visit 🙂


Year 4 – Roman Trip to BMAG

Last week, Year 4 visited the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery to learn about the Romans. We travelled to the museum on the train and walked to the museum.
Inside the museum, we explored the Roman artefacts and discovered ancient coins, pottery and mosaics.
After lunch, we took part in a Roman army workshop. We learnt the Latin names for a soldiers uniform, shield and sword. We also discovered how they become the strongest army of their time.
At the end of the day, we took part in a Roman parade and some of us were lucky enough to dress up as Roman characters.

Year 6 International links

Year 6  have now made  International  links with a school in India.

We have send letters to the school via post and eagerly await their replies. For our display we researched  India,made fact files, found about daily life in India through watching  video clips. In art  we made Mehndi  patterns for both boys and girls.

Routines and resources

This week the children have been continuing to explore the resources available at Nursery.  We have been supporting them with routines and how to use the resources.  We are starting to get better at tidying up!

Writing her name to stick on the model she had made.

Entertaining everyone with instruments and singing.

Exploring the paints.  Learning just to use a small amount is tricky!

Fabulous cooperative play 🙂 There were lots of stories being made up here, train crashes, cats stuck in trees and broken bridges, the emergency services were busy!