R.E Year 6

This week during RE year 6 were looking at why Jesus was condemned to death.The children read John 19, the lead up to Jesus’ death and as a class discussed his betrayal by Judas,  the trial before Pilate and   the crucifixion.

The children wrote letters to Caesar asking  him to set Jesus free. 

Parent’s Voice – Mentoring

Mentoring sessions have helped my daughter a lot. My daughter is happier at home and at school and I would like for these sessions to continue.
Year 5 Parent

I am very pleased to see my daughter happy at home since she has been getting mentoring sessions. She has been happier and wants to come to school. I would like for these sessions to continue.
Reception Parent

Pupil Voice – Handwriting

I really enjoy handwriting because it has helped me do my letters properly and my mum said my writing is getting better and that makes me very happy.
Kye – Year 1

I enjoy handwriting because it will make me better at writing stories.
Harry – Year 1

Handwriting has helped me a lot because now I am joining my ‘a’ and ‘e’s properly and its neater because my handwriting was messy before.
Amelia – Year 2

Handwriting has helped me by writing neater and I am practicing more and its looking better.
Tasia – Year 2

I enjoy handwriting because my handwriting is getting better and my teacher can see a difference in it and that makes me happy.
Alisha – Year 3

What I enjoy best about handwriting is that is has helped me write neater and I can form my letters properly. I can see a difference in my handwriting.
Dante – Year 3

Best thing that I enjoy about handwriting is that it has improved my handwriting and I can now join properly.
Abdullah – Year 4

By ding handwriting it has helped me improved my letters and I now form them better its helped me out and I have been joining up a lot more.
La-Rhetta – Year 4

What I like most about handwriting is that is helps me with forming my letters properly and I now use it in my writing in Literacy. My writing is now neater than it was before.
Aaliyah – Year 5

The best thing that I enjoy about handwriting is that is has helped me improve my writing. I can for my letters properly. My handwriting has improved and will continue to get better with practice.
Codie – Year 5

Handwriting has helped me a lot because now I am practicing all the time and it has helped me in Literacy and my mum said my writing is getting better.
Muhanad – Year 6

Handwriting has really helped me with forming my letters properly. My writing was very big before and now is smaller and neater.
Printesa – Year 6

Cherry Blossom Art in Year 3

This week Year 3 have been taking inspiration from the beautiful cherry blossom trees in Japan.

Year 3 have created their interpretations of these unique blossoms using paint and different techniques to apply. Everyone worked hard to stay focused and concentrate on making their images unique – just like the real things!

These beautiful images were then used on our Mother’s Day cards


Fruit tasting in Year 1

In Year 1,we have been learning about countries from all around the world. This week we have been exploring  fruits from different continents around the world. We did some fruit tasting and we thought of how they looked, smelt, felt and tasted.

We like the pineapple the best!

Nurse visit in Year 5

Year 5 was visited by Maria, the nurse, today and learnt about keeping healthy in different ways. We learnt about the importance of sleep, exercise and a healthy diet. We also learnt about some things that can effect our health, such as head lice, asthma, eczema, colds and athletes foot. Maria taught us some ways to take care of ourselves when these things happen. Year 5 asked lots of thoughtful questions and learnt a lot today.

Year 4 – RE The Last Supper

During our religious education lesson this week, we acted out the story from the Bible called The Last Supper. The disciples sat around the table and listened to Jesus as he told them the horrifying news that someone was going to betray him.

The children thought of reasons for and against Judas betraying Jesus. Then we split into two groups and all thought of different reasons why Judas should, or should not betray Jesus. When we all had thought of a different reason we created a conscious alley.

Skeleton fun in Year 3

Our topic this half term is all about animals including humans with a focus on nutrition and also movement. This week Year 3 have created their own human skeletons  to identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.

Year 3 found out more t about the different types of skeletons and sorted animals into either endoskeleton, exoskeleton  or hydrostatic  skeleton groups.  Ask Year 3 for further examples of animals that belong in each category

Year 3 created a collage of their interpretation of a human skeleton.

Did you know…

  • The smallest bones are in the ear.
  • Although your bones stop growing when you are around 20, they do constantly rebuild new bone cells.
  • The spine is made up of 33 bones.
  • If your body doesn’t have enough calcium, it will take it from your bones making your bones weaker. A good reason to drink your milk!

Forest Schools week beginning 18th March

There was so much going on in Forest School this week.  The children are now familiar with the rules, the area and each other.   This has given them the confidence to try out different things independently and they have been supporting each other.

Finding worms

Playing games like hide and seek helps to build trust and supports children to follow rules.

Building stone towers takes perseverance, concentration and good fine motor skills.  It is a great mindfulness activity and is also very satisfying and rewarding.

Finding insects involved working as team, sharing resources and develops respect for all living things.

Building a den and then sitting in it to drink hot chocolate and share our feelings about the session,

Using a bow saw is another activity that is good for mindfulness, you have to concentrate only on what you are doing.

Using natural resources to make objects (a nest) or pieces of art.