It has been great to have the children back this week, they seem so keen and focused. We were excited to hear we had an International link with a school in India. Today, we have been working hard writing letters to our new friends in India. They also watched a video on New Dehli,the children were keen to make comparisons.
First week in Year 5
Welcome to Year 5! This week Year 5 have been settling into their new classroom and thinking about aspirations for the coming year. We have been working on being a team by being excellent communicators and collaborators. We have also been thinking about having a growth mindset and persevering with our learning.
Year 5 have P.E. on Monday and Thursday
Parents’ evening is on Wednesday 12th September
End of Year graduation and production Year 6
This was a momentous day for Year 6. The children took part in their graduation ceremony and were very emotional and proud when telling of their fond memories of the times at St Clement’s.
We moved swiftly onto our class production ‘ Robin and the Nechells Hoodies’ It was a super performance with all the children enjoying their new found acting roles. The children sung beautifully too and the parents were very impressed.
Well done Year 6, you were a credit to yourselves ,the staff and your family. We wish you every success in your Secondary Schools.
St Clement’s C of E Academy Multi Sports Morning Feedback.
A big thank you for the children who gave such great feed back on our multi sports morning earlier on in the year. Ramesah – “I had a great time because I got to meet new people and make new friends from other schools.”
Adam – “It was really fun playing all the different games, dodgeball was my favourite.”
Hiba – “I liked everyone collaborating with each other and everyone having fun playing all the games.”
Eghlls – “I liked the whole day because everyone worked as a team.”
Zariah – “I liked when we played football and I was in goal.”
Health and Wellbeing Pupil Voice
The children were asked how, at St. Clement’s Academy, we support and teach positive Health and Wellbeing.
“You can do Yoga to calm yourself down and relax your mind.” Musab Year 4
“The ‘Time Out’ slips help us a share how we feel – if we can’t tell an adult.” Redwan Year 5
“Mindfulness colouring helps us to relax. ” Lyla Year 5
” I have learnt how to take care of my body.” Poppy Year 6
“There is always someone to talk to when you have a problem.” Mohamed Adam Year 6
“There is always help.” Isa Year 6
“If you struggle with your work or worries the teachers will listen to you and help you.” Sumaya A Year 4
“We are taught how to treat ourselves and respect ourselves.” Selah Year 5
“Calm time before PSHE helps us to focus ion our learning and clear our minds.” Kiana Year 5
“We are listened to.” Annayah Year 5
“The School Nurse comes in and teaches us how to treat our body and minds in the right way.” Aneesa Year 4
St Clement’s C of E Academy BDAT World Cup feedback
A big thank you to all the media team at the World Cup and a big thank you to all that gave such great feed back.
St Laurence children – “Their are some really good teams here and we are having a great day.”
St Laurence teacher – “I’m having a great day with some good football being played.”
Nethersole teacher – “Everyone has played really well with really good sportsmanship.” St Clement’s children – “Its been really good because we get to play lots of football all morning.”
St Clement’s teacher – “I think the day has been absolutely amazing. All the children have had a brilliant time and really enjoyed the day.”
Cosmic Card Trip – Summer Term
The children have spent all term collecting ‘Cosmic Card’ stamps by finishing their day in gold, on the classroom rocket, and by following the expectations of the Academy. The children, with the most stamps – from each class, were awarded with a morning at Star City. KS1 went to Monster Mayhem and McDonalds, whist KS2 went to Mini Golf and KFC. The children then had the chance to play in the park before coming back to school. At St. Clement’s Academy we are very proud of the children’s achievements – well done!
Cosmic Card Trip Summer Term.
The children have spent all term collecting ‘Cosmic Card’ stamps by finishing their day in gold, on the classroom rocket, and by following the expectations of the Academy. The children, with the most stamps – from each class, were awarded with a morning at Star City. KS1 went to Monster Mayhem and McDonalds, whist KS2 went to Mini Golf and KFC. The children then had the chance to play in the park before coming back to school. At St. Clement’s Academy we are very proud of the children’s achievements – well done!
Board game fun in Year 3
During this final week of the year, Year 3 have been working hard with their DT (Design Technology) lessons in order to explore, design and make their own board games.
Year 3 worked collaboratively to play a range of existing maths games to find out what made a good game and to generate ideas. Afterwards, most children worked with a partner to design and then make their games.
Year 3 then played their games with Year 4 who gave them feedback on what they enjoyed and how they could improve their games.
Outside fun :)
Nursery have been making the most of the wonderful sunshine. Outside we have a range of activities and resources that the children independently select and use.
Developing social skills. Exploring shape. Counting. Acting out experiences. Learning new vocabulary.
Which truck will go the fastest? Which one will go the furthest? What makes them stop?
Sharing a book together 🙂
The children were singing and playing the instruments together. They taught me the words to the song and were excited to perform.