Category Archives: Year 5


The children have voted and this years Pupil Council and UNICEF representatives have been chosen.

Together they will be called ‘Children Champions’ and will carry out a range of tasks. Firstly, they will be looking at changing the academy’s house point system and designing and calculating cost for a KS2 outdoor classroom. Whilst carrying out these jobs the Champions will also be collecting pupil voice and making sure the views of the students of St. Clements Academy are heard.

Article 12: Every child has the right to express their
views, feelings and wishes in all matters
affecting them, and to have their views
considered and taken seriously. This right
applies at all times, for example during
immigration proceedings, housing decisions
or the child’s day-to-day home life.

Well done to you all.

Year 5 Maths games to practice place value and addition

Year 5 have been learning about place value, including decimals and rounding. This week, we have started to look at columnar addition and using this skill to solve problems.

Here are some games to help you practice these skills at home:

Rounding game:

Bar model prractice:

If you would like to revisit and practice your place value knowledge, try these sites:

Place value to 1,000:

Place value with decimals:

Learning about forces and air resistance in Year 5

As part of Year 5’s learning about forces and air resistance, we are designing a fair test to find out what makes the best parachute. First, we learnt about how gravity and air resistance interact and used this to form scientific questions. Then we drew on our knowledge about gravity, mass and surface areas to help us make hypotheses about which parachute would work best. We worked in groups to carry out our scientific method, thinking carefully about constants and variables. Now we are ready to test and make observations about the parachutes that we made.

Reading for Pleasure in Year 5

Thank you to those who were able to meet with us last week at the Parents’ Evening. Wee hope you found the information useful. As discussed, reading skills and the love of reading are an important part of learning. To support your child even more, you can also listen to audio books online. This is a fantastic way to learn new words and heard how intonation is used in storytelling.

Here are some websites that you can visit for free, good quality audio books:


Poetry in Year 5

Year 5 are learning the poem ‘Silver’ by Walter de la Mare and practicing reciting and using different intonations, rhythms and volume.

Related image

We also discussed the author’s use of poetic devices and vocabulary. We used some of these skills to write our own description of the images from the poem.

Figurative language anchor charts/posters/cards. alliteration • hyperbole • idioms • metaphors personification • onomatopoeia • similes

First week in Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! This week Year 5 have been settling into their new classroom and thinking about aspirations for the coming year. We have been working on being a team by being excellent communicators and collaborators. We have also been thinking about having a growth mindset and persevering with our learning.


Year 5 have P.E. on Monday and Thursday

Parents’ evening is on Wednesday 12th September

Year 5 investigate Alchemy Island

In science, Year 5 were given a challenge. Children had a range of mysterious materials

and had to investigate them and classify them. They began by making drawings of the materials and looking at their hardness and transparency. They then investigated which materials were magnetic and which conducted electricity before studying a map of Alchemy Island and labelling where they thought the mysterious materials could be found.

St. Clement’s 1:1 Mentoring – Parent Voice

Just some feedback on the extra friendship sessions that were being conducted with my children.  I have found that this is really helped them in terms of social skills, how to develop and maintain a friendship properly in school time.  The activities completed in the session hake them think about how to behave and deal with situations and more importantly think before acting!

Thanks, Mum


My child has had mentoring sessions to cover how to interact with others both at home and in school.  They have helped with behaviour at home and interactions with her younger sibling. It has helped in school as well as in the classroom she is calmer, and allows the teacher time to deal with arising situations.



1:1 sessions have helped improve our child’s overall attitude towards others especially at home.  We are thankful for the time spent talking with her and giving her techniques that seem to be helping.

Mum and Dad


St. Clement’s Jigsaw Pupil Voice

I have enjoyed Jigsaw this half term.  I have really enjoyed learning about growing up and how we have changed since we were a baby.

Amelia – Year 1


Friendship, I have enjoyed learning about different friendship groups and how to be a good friend.

Elijah – Year 1


I have enjoyed the topic feeling.  I liked how we found out about how each individual has different feelings and how we can deal with them.

Sara – Year 2


Growing Up, I have enjoyed learning about how we change as we grow up and how we change from when we were a baby to who we are now.

Mustafa – Year 2


I enjoyed learning about different relationships and how e can make different friends as we grow older and how to keep those friendships.

Isaiah – Year 3


I have enjoyed learning about different relationships and meeting new people.  About making new friends and I enjoy Jigsaw and how we learn about different things.

Luliyana – Year 3


I have enjoyed learning the topic Feelings.  How we can express or feelings to our loved ones and how we go through different feelings all the time.

Ramesah – Year 4


I enjoyed learning about Change and how we have changed from when we were babies to how we look now and how we mature.

Codie – Year 4


I enjoyed learning about different cultures and knowing what other people around the world believe in and how it is different to us.

Kiana – Year 5


I enjoyed learning about different relationships and how we can make friends from a young age and as years go on the friendship grows stronger

Lyla – Year 5


I enjoyed learning about differences and how it’s good to be different.  If we were all the same it would be a boring world.  I also enjoyed learning about other people’s cultures.

Zaara – Year 6


I have enjoyed learning about how to keep ourselves safe and also enjoyed learning about other people’s cultures and how they do things differently.

Kamille – Year 6
