During PSHE, Year 5 children have focused on thinking about the words which we use carefully. We discussed the consequences and effects of our words and how our words may affect people. A selection of children acted out a scenario, which demonstrated how our words can have a negative affect and the class made suggestions on how to use our words in a positive way.
Year 5 have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians. They have been fascinated by mummys and the act of mummification. As an introduction to our topic and to engage the children in our learning, Mrs Webster pretended to mummify Mr Burton.
We learnt that first the brain was pulled out of the nose using a special hook. Next all of the internal organs are removed. Then the body is covered in salt to dry it out, finally it is wrapped in cloth strips.
We saw internal organs (luckily from a sheep not Mr Burton’s!) in special jars called Canopic Jars.
Today was Christmas jumper day and a number of the children got into the Christmas spirit and came in looking very Christmassy and helped raise money for charity.
Well done Year 5 for helping to raising money for charity.
During PSHE this week in Year 5, children looked at effects and consequences. We discussed what the term meant and positive consequences and negative consequences. Children were given a number of scenerio’s where they needed to suggest what the effects or consequences might be to them. Children came up with some very sensible suggestions to these scenerio’s. Later, during the lesson children listed who their influences were and they shared with the class why they made their choice.
Our science work in year 5 has been about Life Processes and Living Things. As part of that we have been looking at plants, how they grow , what they need to grow and also parts of a flower.
In our latest lesson the children had to dissect a flower and lay all the parts out and create a labelled diagram and explain what each part was for.
This week has been Anti-bullying week and in year 5 the children discussed how we could be kind to each other. Each child was asked to say something nice about a classmate and write it on a post it note, which was placed on a board for them to read.
The school nurse paid a visit and spoke to the children. She gave them advice on how to help stop bullying if it was happening to themselves, or if they witnessed it happening to others.
During this week in PSHE Year 5 looked at Peer pressure. We discussed what peer pressure was and the different types of peer pressure that exists. Later in the lesson, children used the ‘conscious alley’ technique to explore the negative and positive advice which their peers might share in response to a scenario. All children were very sensible with the suggestions and took part really well. By the end of the lesson children were able to identify may positive ways to deal with peer pressure.
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