Category Archives: Year 3

Year 3 – Trip to BMAG

This week has been a exciting week for year 3, on Monday, Y3 caught the train into the city centre to visit Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery to learn more about our topic ‘Gods and Mortals’. This topic is based around the Ancient Greeks and Y3 will be finding out more across this half term.

At the museum we explored the Ancient Greek gallery, sketched and designed an amphora pot with a geometric design. This design was created by looking at the different pots and recreating it by sketching and adding the fine detail. Also in the gallery we carried out a treasure hunt, where we found the Ancient Greek equivalents of everyday objects, e.g. a jug or mug. Year 3 also found out more about each of the different gods and designed an offering for them.

Finally we worked with Anna, the museum lady and handled different artefacts looking at what they were and what they are used for. This was exciting for year 3 because they were given the opportunity to create a condition report explaining what the condition of each artefact is like. They were also given the opportunity to clean some of the artifacts using a cotton bud and working collaboratively to get it cleaned.
Ask Y3 to tell you more about our visit 🙂


Big Read in Year 3

Big Read this week was a chance for everyone in Year 3 to read together. By pairing up, everyone had a chance to read to a friend and discuss the content of our class reader. These books have been borrowed from the library. It was great to all be able to have the same book and work collaboratively to understand it.

Theseus and the Minotaur in Year 3

This week Year three have been busy learning and exploring their first narrative of the year – Theseus and the Minotaur.


This is an ancient Greek myth and links perfectly with our current topic – Gods and Mortals. It is a conquering the monster tale and is split into five clear parts:

  1. Opening Introduce the main character and all is well.
  2. Build up A monster appears and causes problems.
  3. Problem The monster is difficult to defeat.
  4. Resolution The main character defeats the monster.
  5. Ending All is well again and the main character gets a reward.

This has allowed Year 3 to learn the story by putting actions to the key parts and then retold in the correct order by following a story map. Click on the link below to see our story map


After putting actions to our story, Year 3 explored the characters further through drama. Hot seating, freeze frames and spot lighting really helped Year 3 understand more about the characters.

School nurse visits Year 3

This week our school nurse Maria has been into class to tell Year 3 more about healthy foods and healthy lunchboxes.

Each group had to work collaboratively to create their own lunchbox. They were very interesting with many groups including lots of chocolate, sweets and biscuits.

Then, Maria told us more about the Eatwell plate and each group repacked their lunchbox to reflect their new learning.



First week back in Year 3

What a wonderful start to the new term for Year 3. This has been a very busy week getting to know each other and the teachers – Miss Groom & Miss Begum.

During our week we have spent lots of time learning our new routines as it seems everything has changed over the summer! From going upstairs, locating our lockers, a later break time and lunchtime, remembering to bring our own healthy snacks and walking very smartly and quietly around the school.

Year 3 have been discussing kindness and what it means to them. Some children wrote acrostic poems and others wrote prayers to express their understanding.


Board game fun in Year 3

During this final week of the year, Year 3 have been working hard with their DT (Design Technology) lessons in order to explore, design and make their own board games.

Year 3 worked collaboratively to play a range of existing  maths games to find out what made a good game and to generate ideas. Afterwards, most children worked with a partner to design and then make their games.

Year 3 then played their games with Year 4 who gave them feedback on what they enjoyed and how they could improve their games.

Colour poems in Year 3

Year 3 have been developing their adventurous vocabulary and using this to write imaginative poems.

First, we collaborated to come up with ideas and improve the vocabulary we use. We then read some good examples and learnt from them.

We then used everything we have learnt to write our own!

St. Clement’s 1:1 Mentoring – Parent Voice

Just some feedback on the extra friendship sessions that were being conducted with my children.  I have found that this is really helped them in terms of social skills, how to develop and maintain a friendship properly in school time.  The activities completed in the session hake them think about how to behave and deal with situations and more importantly think before acting!

Thanks, Mum


My child has had mentoring sessions to cover how to interact with others both at home and in school.  They have helped with behaviour at home and interactions with her younger sibling. It has helped in school as well as in the classroom she is calmer, and allows the teacher time to deal with arising situations.



1:1 sessions have helped improve our child’s overall attitude towards others especially at home.  We are thankful for the time spent talking with her and giving her techniques that seem to be helping.

Mum and Dad


St. Clement’s Jigsaw Pupil Voice

I have enjoyed Jigsaw this half term.  I have really enjoyed learning about growing up and how we have changed since we were a baby.

Amelia – Year 1


Friendship, I have enjoyed learning about different friendship groups and how to be a good friend.

Elijah – Year 1


I have enjoyed the topic feeling.  I liked how we found out about how each individual has different feelings and how we can deal with them.

Sara – Year 2


Growing Up, I have enjoyed learning about how we change as we grow up and how we change from when we were a baby to who we are now.

Mustafa – Year 2


I enjoyed learning about different relationships and how e can make different friends as we grow older and how to keep those friendships.

Isaiah – Year 3


I have enjoyed learning about different relationships and meeting new people.  About making new friends and I enjoy Jigsaw and how we learn about different things.

Luliyana – Year 3


I have enjoyed learning the topic Feelings.  How we can express or feelings to our loved ones and how we go through different feelings all the time.

Ramesah – Year 4


I enjoyed learning about Change and how we have changed from when we were babies to how we look now and how we mature.

Codie – Year 4


I enjoyed learning about different cultures and knowing what other people around the world believe in and how it is different to us.

Kiana – Year 5


I enjoyed learning about different relationships and how we can make friends from a young age and as years go on the friendship grows stronger

Lyla – Year 5


I enjoyed learning about differences and how it’s good to be different.  If we were all the same it would be a boring world.  I also enjoyed learning about other people’s cultures.

Zaara – Year 6


I have enjoyed learning about how to keep ourselves safe and also enjoyed learning about other people’s cultures and how they do things differently.

Kamille – Year 6
