During PSHE, this week, the children discussed what made a religion and the similarities between different religions. Working in groups, the children created mind maps of what they felt a religion should be.
The children decided some of the most important factors of a religion are values, moral code, saying thanks and being together (spiritually) .
Using their Dot Com journals, Year 6 then identified the importance of tolerance and respect within a community, what might happen if we didn’t have this and how it would feel.
Article 30:Every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family, regardless of whether these are shared by the majority of the people in the country where they live.
This week, during PSHE, the children identified talents, goals and aspirations. They were able to discuss the difference between a short term goal and a long term aspiration.
Circle time games, helped the children to listen to each other and share their aspirations for the future.
The children were able to identify the challenges they might face and what they would do to overcome them.
A need or a want? The question Year 4 answered, during PSHE, this week. The children sorted items into needs and wants and gave reasons for their choices. After small group and whole class discussions, the children agreed to a list of needs.
Clean water
Safe/Warm shelter
Clean clothing
To be safe from harm
To be loved
Year 4, were able to see how their needs related to the UNICEF rights of the child.
What is the meaning of grateful? Was the next question for Year 4 to answer. The children, worked together, to find the meaning of grateful and to put it into their own words. They then identified what they were grateful for and recorded it on post-its. The children then placed their notes into a class gratitude box, ready for next weeks lesson.
This was the first trip with PGL which had lots of great activities for us to do. As soon as the children got off the bus they were greeted by Emma our group leader. Once the children dropped their bags off at their room they were whisked off to get ready for raft building where they were tasked in their groups to design a raft and then test it out on the lake, which I am pleased to say that they showed great team work and all of the groups rafts floated with everyone able to take to the water. After all the fun on the lake it was time for dinner and camp fire where they sat around a fire singing songs with all the other schools on site then off to bed.
After breakfast the next morning they were split off into 3 groups where they rotated around activities such as abseiling, aero ball, climbing, trapeze and problem solving. With the day done and all packed for the trip home the children wasted no time in getting a good night’s sleep. The morning of day three was making sure we were all packed and catching up on the activities they didn’t do the day before.
All in all the children had a great time and had some experiences that they wouldn’t normally get in the classroom as well as finding things about themselves that they might not have known. We look forward to next years!
This week, in PSHE, we returned to our topic ‘I am Special’. Using talk partners, the children were able to discuss what they enjoyed doing on their own and what they enjoyed sharing with friends.
They then identified things they can do for themselves and what tasks they may need help with. The children discussed, feeling proud, when they achieve something new, or do something for themselves for the first time.
Year 4 have been investigating the properties of different liquids. We worked in 3 groups to pour the same amount of liquid down the pipe and time how long it took to reach the bottom. We discussed how to make it a fair test and predicted which liquid would travel down the pipe the quickest. We discovered that the thicker liquids traveled slower down the pipe.
In maths this week, we have been exploring 2D shapes and their properties. We have enjoyed exploring shapes in a range of ways; shape hunting, shape songs, creating pictures using shapes and also sorting shapes according to their properties.
During our shape hunt, we found loads of shapes and recorded them on our clipboards. What shapes can you see?
We have also been busy making shape pictures and were able to identify all the shapes that we have used. We then discussed the properties of the shapes too.
Can you tell what we have made?
Which shape has two long sides and two short sides?
The children were then introduced to a sorting method using a Venn Diagram. We really enjoyed sorting the shapes and objects into the correct place. We know that we use Venn Diagrams for sorting!
During science on Monday Year 6 investigated electrical circuits. We used the science apparatus to make the circuits and to test if the circuits were complete or not.
To become scientists we asked the questions
What if we added more bulbs to the circuit? Would it become brighter or not?
The children in year two were asked to identify safe places to play. They was then asked to identify unsafe places to play in their local area and explain why they would be at risk playing in these areas.
Today, in year one, we were talking about feelings . We talked about how we can tell how someone is feeling by their facial expression. In talk partners, the children had to guess how the other person was feeling. They then had to draw their face and write a sentence on how they were feeling today.
Mrs Dowling
Serving the local community in the name of Christ since 1859