Y6 e-Safety

This week we having been looking at e-Safety and we discussed the question, How safe are you?

We set  up some role play scenarios and discussed as  a class how we should manage our safety. We thought about using aps on our phone and what dangers this may lead to. We decided that no app should be used unless a  parent knows exactly what it is.

Ringing and talking on the phone is fine as long as you know the person. Sharing photographs between friends is okay  as long as your parents have seen  the photo and you have the permission of the person in the photo.





Busy three days!

Well our first week back has been busy, we have crammed a lot in to three days.

In our growing areas lots had changed in a week.  We were pleased to see some of the strawberries were ready to pick, they tasted delicious.  The carrots are getting bigger, we pulled out some to give the others more room to grow.

Inside some children wanted to make batman masks.  Mrs Grant showed us how to draw around a template then we cut them out.  Then we had to use the hole punch to make holes and thread some wool through to tie it around our head.


Some children built some super models using the duplo.  When we had finished we wrote our names on a post it note so that everyone knew who had made them.



We are looking forward to more fun and learning next week!


3D shapes

In Year 1 we have been exploring 3D shapes. We have been learning the names of the shapes and  looking at the properties of the  shapes. We made 3D shapes using straws and playdough. We were able to explore how many faces, edges and vertices (corners) each shape has.

 Look at our amazing creations!

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This week, Year 2 have completed their SATs tests. Myself and Miss Shryane are incredibly proud of how hard the children have tried to do their best in their reading and maths papers. They have all done themselves proud and deserve a well earned rest of the coming half term.

In addition to working hard all week, it has also been Year 2’s class assembly. The children spoke clearly and confidently about Ramadan. There was acting, singing and even a costume change!

Well done Year 2!

Let’s go fly a kite!

In Year 1, we have been designing and making kites. In Science, we have been looking at materials. We tested different materials and decided which material would be the best to make an umbrella. We tested tissue paper, plastic, felt and foil. We found out that foil and plastic were waterproof. But, later decided that foil wasn’t as strong as plastic. We followed our design to make our umbrellas, tested them out. Then we evaluated what went well and what would need to be improved if we were to make them again.

Look at them fly!

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Capacity in Y3

Capacity has been the focus for our Maths learning this week. Y3 started off by ordering and estimating how much water each container would hold.  Each team then worked collaboratively to use the measuring cylinders to find out how accurate their estimates were.

Following on from this Y3 have been able to apply their new learning to a range of problem solving activities.

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Visit to the Masjid Ali Mosque Year 6

As part of our RE topic this term we were looking at comparing  the beliefs of Muslims and Christians.

On arrival at the mosque we were taken into the prayer room where the Iman recited suras from the Qu’ran. We were shown around and asked many questions. The leader was very informative and we left knowing  there are many  similarities between both religions.

One prayer room has the capacity to have over 2000 people praying at once. This room is mainly used at Eid and Ramadan.










Year 6 – Feelings

In year 6 we discussed our own early warning signs and when we get them. What are our emotional and physical feelings?  and what feeling safe feels like, so when we don’t feel safe our bodies tell us by giving us physical early warning signs like Dot’s butterflies in her stomach.