Jigsaw – Year 5
Jigsaw – Year 2
Jigsaw – Year 1
Pizza Express Visit
Dear Parents and Carers,
On Tuesday 8th of May, Yr 3 went on a special trip to the city centre.Because we are learning about Scrumdiddlyumptious in our topic lessons, Yr 3 went to Pizza Express.
At the beginning of our journey, we went outside of the school and all we could feel was the blazing, burning sun shining. We could hear bustling cars zipping by and the wind gently blowing. Because of the sunny weather, we didn’t have to bring boiling coats. We crossed the road and headed to the train station.
After about 2 minutes or so, we were finally in the Bullring. We walked a little to Pizza Express. After the staff introduced us, we learnt how to make pizza. First, we had some flour and had some dough. We used two fingers to smush it around the sides. Next, we flipped the dough and flattened it down. Then, we put it in a greased pan. When the dough was in the pan, we had to spread out the tomato sauce and added the cheese. Finally, the staff put the eye-catching pizzas in the oven,
When we came back to school, we ate out tasty pizzas. We really hope you will try this restaurant.
by Isaiah and Year 3
Green fingered gardeners.
In between getting ready for SATs, Year 2 are becoming fantastic gardeners!
If you visit our classroom you will find beautiful sunflowers growing, delicious coriander, scrumptious carrots, and tasty basil. We are making sure we look after them by watering them and making sure they are in the sun. Soon we will plant them outside so they can grow even bigger.
We have also been using our observation skills to draw daffodils and using our super shading skills to colour them in. They have really brightened up our classroom display!
Check in with Year 2 to see their progress!
Maths, maths, everywhere!
Look at all the Maths that we have been learning through our play 🙂

Forest School: May 9th and 10th
This week in Forest School all of the children learned how to use a bow saw. They listened carefully to the tools talk so that they knew how to use the saw safely. They then worked with me to cut a slice from a large branch. Some children then decorated their slice of wood.
I taught the Year 5 children how to bend willow branches into a circle. Some of the children made them in to crowns.
The Year 4 children wanted to learn how to make bracelets. I taught them a method that takes lots of concentration. You need 4 strands of wool with sticks tied on the end. You have to throw the sticks to your partner and be ready to catch theirs. The children worked really well together and made some lovely bracelets.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Over the past two weeks Reception have been reading the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.
From the story we have written lists, spoken about and sorted healthy and unhealthy foods, made our own books, sequenced the story, written sentences and so much more!
The children have also learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly and have learnt a new song!
Hopefully we will find some caterpillars and butterflies around school soon!
Year 5 – Art
This term year 5 are learning all about animal adaptations as part of science. They have learnt that an adaptation is a special skill which helps an animal to survive and do everything it needs to do. Adaptations could be physical changes to the animals body or behavioural changes in how an individual animal or a society do things in their daily lives.
They have created some beautiful drawings of bugs and labelled the different parts for our class display.