Whoosh Around the Mulberry Bush

This has been a very busy week in Nursery. We were visited by Nurse Amanda and Nurse Nicola who told us all about making sure we wash our properly. They put gel on our hands, then asked us to go and wash it off. Then we had to put our hands under a special light that showed us how clean our hands were straight after washing them. It was bad news we weren’t washing them properly but since the nurses demonstration we are now!



We have based our work around the book Whoosh around the Mulberry bush and our focus has been learning about words that rhyme. We have been doing lots of counting activities , tracing and name writing too.


We have also been looking at primary colours and finding out how colours change when they mix. We painted one hand then the other and before we rubbed them together we predicted the colour we would make.







Hand washing in Reception!

This week, we were lucky to have the school nurse visit Reception to teach us all about the importance of hand washing. We know that we need to wash our hands regularly and with soap! We were taught how to wash our hands properly. We know we need to remember to wash every part of our hands, especially our thumbs and around the finger nails. The nurse also showed us a special germ detector where we could see all of the nasty germs on our hands!

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Year 5 Class Assembly

This week Year 5 had their class assembly. our theme for the assembly was charity. During the assembly the pupils discussed what charities do and the meaning of charity. Some children were also involved in the acting out of the parable of “The Good Samaritan.”  All of the children spoke clearly and the acting was also of a high standard. Well done Year 5!

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The Selfish Giant

Year One and Year Two had the opportunity to watch and take part in a workshop run by Language Alive. They retold the story The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde.






We were pretending to be the children in the story.





We were helping to tell the story by recreating winter.











Funky fruit and vegetables

After our visit to Tesco, we have spent time designing and creating our own fruits and vegetables from paper mache. Our design brief was to make a new fruit or vegetable that Willy Wonka might be interested in using in his new factory. We had to think about colours, textures, tastes and where in the world it might grow.

Have a look at our final pieces and see what you think.DSC01278 DSC01282 DSC01283 DSC01284 DSC01285 DSC01286 DSC01287 DSC01288 DSC01289 DSC01290 DSC01291 DSC01292 DSC01293 DSC01294 DSC01295 DSC01296 DSC01297 DSC01298 DSC01299 DSC01300 DSC01301 DSC01302 DSC01303

Year 5 Maths Week

Last week was maths week across the school. It was a highly enjoyable week and in year 5 we concentrated on volume and money. Our activities included making cubes and cuboids to specific dimensions and creating money boxes to sell for Christian Aid. See our pictures below.

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The Selfish Giant (Year 2)

On Monday, year 1 and year 2 watched a performance of The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde. It was a participatory drama to stimulate language and learning of children. It gave the children the opportunity to engage verbally, contribute ideas and consider moral dilemmas.  The children also developed their confidence in speaking in different contexts.

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The Very Hungry Caterpillar

This week in Nursery our work has centred around the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

We have explored length comparing and ordering caterpillars from shortest to longest. We have used words that describe length like shorter  and longer.

We discussed the story and  noticed how the caterpillar changed. He began as an egg on a leaf. The egg popped and out came a caterpillar. The caterpillar ate lots of food and got bigger and bigger. He went to sleep in a cocoon for two weeks. When he came out he was a beautiful butterfly. We used our cutting skills to cut out , then order pictures of the life cycle of a caterpillar. We stuck the pictures onto a paper plate and sewed around the edge.

We have also made a caterpillar number line and a large 3D life cycle for our display. We have looked at basic symmetry and made butterflies, checking that the pattern is the same on both wings.












Green Class’ Trip to the Guru Nanak Gurdwara

Today Green Class visited the Gurdwara in Smethwick as part of RE topic .   We heard some interesting facts about the ten Gurus, the history of the religion and the building itself.

Did you know that the Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Smethwick is the oldest Gurdwara in Europe?




In the Langar Hall we had lunch and were very well fed.  This Hall is very special and is where Sikhs share theirs Kindness and generosity with others in the form of food.  People from all walks of life can come to the Langar Hall for a meal.  The meal is free of charge.  The Guru Nanak Gurdwara provide meals for over 6000 people a day, many of whom are homeless or have very little money.  Other people come to the Langar to share food with friends and family.  We gave a donation of milk, rice and butter during our visit today.DSC00941 DSC00959 DSC00969 DSC01069 DSC01070 IMG_1011 IMG_1013 IMG_1020