This week has been an Innovate week in Year 3. We have reached the end of this term’s topic ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’ and have finished off with accepting a challenge from Starsmooth International.
STARSMOOTH INTERNATIONAL – A taste sensation! We are currently seeking ideas for a range of fresh and tempting new smoothie recipes to add to our existing menu, to be sold in our world-wide stores.Winning applicants will have the opportunity to become part of our highly regarded design and development team.For more information, please contact Squeezy Joe on 7963 7662662.
After reading the advert and accepting the challenge Y3 discussed their understanding of what a smoothie is and then sampled what is already available to buy in the supermarkets. Before tasting Year 3 had to predict the ingredients of each smoothie.
Even Nicola, our school nurse took part. As you can see some smoothies had nicer tastes than others!
Year 3 were then able to identify the flavours they liked and designed and named their own smoothie. Have a look at their fabulous designs.
On Friday morning we worked collaboratively to cut our fruit safely and blend to make a delicious smoothie 🙂