Learning in the Mud Kitchen

We have a mud kitchen outside that is very popular with the children.  When they are playing in the mud kitchen they are learning a range of skills.


Learning to be independent and put waterproofs on ourselves.


Practising writing on the menu board.


Developing gross motor skills in preparation for writing.


The open-ended nature of mud encourages creative thinking and allows children to freely create without fear of making mistakes.


Practising social skills such as cooperation, negotiation, communication, and sharing as they work together.


Maths and science skills are practised as children make before and after comparisons, solve problems, test theories, and measure and count ingredients for their mud pies.

Playing in the mud inspires children to feel a connection to nature and develop an appreciation for the environment

“But maybe the greatest benefit of mud play is the memories being created by the children. Mud play and the wonder and joy associated with it are the stuff that fabulous childhood memories are made of!”

(Some information from Mud Marvellous Mud by Michelle Rupiper)

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