Category Archives: Year 6

Visit to the Vihara

This week year 6 visited the Vihara in Ladywood as part of their topic on Buddhism. Before we visited ,we studied in our RE lesson the Eightfold pathway (Dharma). This is the path Buddhists follow in order to reach Nirvana (enlightenment).We  thought about our own rules to follow and made a Dharma to reflect this.











Festival of Light

On October 19th Year 6 have been invited to be part of  ‘Diwali  a  Celebration of Light Festival’ at the Town Hall, Birmingham.  We will be singing and taking part in  a lantern procession.

In preparation we had a lantern making workshop where  we all made our individual lanterns which will hold tea light candles in them.






Mental Maths Monday

Every Monday, we carry out mental maths lessons and learn new strategies to help solve calculations. This week we were looking at strategies to apply when finding missing numbers. We have been looking at the value of the digits we know, to work out combinations. We worked collaboratively to solve the calculations.DSC05099




Making A Difference Youth Event

On Saturday 23rd September, the children attended M.A.D, a sporting youth event held at Nechells Wellbeing Centre.  The children enjoyed a range of activities – music making, in a studio, a football competition, nutmeg competitions, smoothie making and a range of fun inflatable games.

M.A.D hope to hold regular events at the Wellbeing Centre, so keep a look out for more information.

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Year 5 and 6 PSHE

Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.

To work as a team, build resilience and show empathy for my peers.

This term, in PSHE Years 5 and 6 are learning about ‘Living In The Wider World’.  As part of their topic they are working with a company called ‘Dare to Dream’ and mentor Steve Farmer, who is delivering a program called ‘Time to Shine’.

The program builds resilience, tolerance and confidence which helps children to work together.

This week they looked at positive and negative environments and how their behaviour and attitudes can affect this. They worked together to discuss things important to them and collaborated ideas to present their work.

SDC10978 SDC10982 SDC10984 SDC10987 SDC10988 SDC10991 SDC10993 SDC10998 SDC10999 SDC11001 SDC11005 SDC11006 SDC11008 SDC11023

PHSE – Year 5/6

This week in PHSE the children have looked at the topic ‘Friendship’. They’ve talked about how to build relationships and how to get along with each other.
The children got into small groups and took part in role play to demonstrate that girls and boys can play with each other and not just in separate boy/girl groups and still get along well together.