Category Archives: Year 3

Health Week in Year 3

Year 3 have been learning about keeping healthy this week. We have learnt about how muscles work and different ways to exercise safely. We investigated and wrote some fantastic explanation texts.

We want to say a big thank you to the parents who were able to come and support the workshop on Wednesday. Year 3 learnt about the importance of healthy eating, using a knife and making a balanced meal.

We also learnt about the importance of mental health and well being. We did some yoga, meditation and mindfulness activities.

Jigsaw – Year 3

Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
Working in groups of four the children agreed on four changes they are looking forward to when they go to year 4. On their spinning top cube template, they wrote changes on the four sides of the cube. This was then cut out and made into a spinning top using a pencil as the spindle.

Rivers visit

As part of this term’s topic ‘Flow’, Year 3 visited Beacon Park, Lichfield. We had a great day with Ruth the Ranger observing, sampling and measuring Lemonsley Brook.  After meeting Ruth, we split into three groups and started our activities.  Those of us with wellies on were allowed into the brook to help Miss Greene & Miss Groom measure the width and depth of the brook. We then had to measure the temperature of the water and the last part was the most fun.  To measure how fast the brook was flowing we played the traditional game of Pooh Sticks with dog biscuits because they float and are also kind to the environment. Those without wellies timed them to see how fast the dog biscuits took to travel down river.  We also measured how clean the water was, as this would tell us how well the plant would grow.  The more circles we could see at the bottom of the container, the cleaner the water was.


Next, we went pond dipping with Ruth to take samples of the different creatures living in the brook.  We managed to catch and observe a few creatures.  This proves how clean the water is in Lemonsley Brook. We dragged a net in the water and then emptied our nets into a tray, we then used an identification chart to help us identify the things we had caught.  It was great fun and really interested to see what lives below the surface of the water.

Miss Suwanpatra and her group looked at the trees along the river bank and identified them from our key.  There were eight different trees alongside the river. Why not ask Year 3 to see if they can name them?

Year 3 Hinduism Assembly

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend Year 3’s class assembly. We have been learning all about Hinduism in R.E. and shared some of the stories that we have learnt in Hinduism.

We told the Hindu creation story, the story of Holika and Prahlard and shared what we know about mandirs and Hindu Gods and Goddesses.

Jigsaw – Year 3

Changing me – looking ahead
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
Two visiting children frim year 4 came into the classroom and joined our circle. I explained to the children that the two year 4 children have come to talk to them about what it might be like to be in year 4 and to tell the children some of the changes that happened to them whist they were in year 4 (e.g learning to swim, being able to read a higher level, making a different friend, growing taller etc.) the children shared the changes that happened to them and then gave time for questions from the children to the two visitors.
I then asked the children in year 3 how things to think about what changes they think might happen to them when they are in year 4.  Then I asked the year 4 children to share how they coped with any changes. Did hey notice them? How did they feel?

Jigsaw – Year 3

Changing me
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
Carrying on from last week in groups of just boys and just boys , asked children to design a duvet cover/pillow case for children of the opposite sex, e.g. girls design a duvet cover for boys and boys design a duvet cover for girls. Children then had to present their designs – the girls presented to the boys and the boys presented to the girls.
I then asked the children to think about why/how they chose to design their pillow/duvet case as they did. Did they think their design is stereotypical or not?
Asked them to complete the sentence; ‘our design is not stereotyping because…’

Visitors in RE

As part of their learning in RE, Year 3 have been learning the Creation story and what Christians believe about taking care the world. We welcomed the four visitors to share with us how they take care of God’s Wonderful World.

The pupils interviewed our visitors, asking questions and listening carefully to their answers.

Jigsaw – Year 3

Changing me
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
Gave each of the children a task card. Asked the children if any of them to complete the card individually by ticking in the relevant box if they think it is a male/female/either role. Then I asked children to compare their answers with a talking partner. Asked the children to compare the similarities/differences they have and to explain why they have come up with their ideas.