Category Archives: Nursery

Health week in Nursery

Oral health

We read a book about how to make sure your teeth stay clean.  We also sang a song called ‘Brush your teeth’.  We then made our own information books about brushing teeth.

BBC School Radio: Nursery songs and rhymes - Brush your teeth

Mental health

We read a book called ‘Sometimes I feel sunny’.  We talked about our feelings and looked at expressions.  We talked about what makes us sad and what makes us happy.  We sang ‘If you’re happy and you know it’

Image result for sometimes i feel sunny

Body fitness

We had a go at some yoga.  The children were very good at trying the different stretches and poses.


The parents came in to make fruit kebabs with their children.  It was a lovely session.  The classroom was filled with the delicious smells of melon, pineapple, mango, bananas and apples.


St. Clement’s Nursing Home



Visiting St. Clement’s Nursing Home

On the twenty eighth of June 2018, six people from Nursery – Sophie, Eliza, Subhan, Ayaan, Mariam and Christianna visited St. Clement’s Nursing Home. During our visit, we met a variety of people who had very different personalities.

We arrived at five past ten in the morning; we were welcomed by Naomi and Simone who led us upstairs to meet the residents. The nursery children sang for eight different adults. The first song the children sang was ‘Six Little Monkeys’ which some of the adults even joined in with. In total the children sang four different songs and told one story. They sang Six Little Monkeys, Ba Ba Black Sheep, Wheels on the Bus and Five Men in a Flying Saucer and the story was ‘ We are Going on a Bear Hunt’ which everyone seemed to enjoy.  


After singing, the children had a cold drink [squash]. Approximately five minutes after a soothing drink, the children did some colouring with the adults at the nursing home. Ayaan coloured with Lorraine, Christiana coloured with Princess Mary [they call her that because she’s always wearing a crown] and Lesley coloured with Mariam. They all coloured in pictures of animals in a zoo. Eugenia, resident of the Nursing Home, sang ‘Daisy Daisy’ over and over and again with Lesley.


Overall, the nursery children had an amazing time with the teachers and the adults at St. Clements Nursing home and we cannot wait till the next visit.

Eesaa Yasir Year 5






Perseverance in Nursery

This week I led an assembly with the theme of perseverance.  It made me think about how we all need to persevere with things and how it makes us feel when we achieve something that has been a challenge.

Many of the characteristics of effective learning reflect this.  This week I have been very proud of the way the children keep on trying, even when something is difficult or when a challenge arises.  They are becoming more able to plan ideas and adapt these when needed.

Building a tall tower that won’t fall over.  It took many attempts but the boys showed great determination and achieved their goal.

The girls here all had different objectives but they persevered even when their buildings fell down.  They looked at each other for ideas and supported each other to keep on trying.

Well done Nursery 🙂

Busy bees in Nursery!


Every week in Nursery the children do such a wide variety of activities.  Here is just a selection of some of things we have done this week.

Drawing, name writing, number work, hunting for insects, learning to ride a balance bike, watering the plants, learning to write our names and completing puzzles.

No wonder we are all so tired this week!

Nursery Family Project

A huge thank you to all the parents, carers and family members who have helped the nursery children with their family projects.

The project was to make a model of an alien, inspired by our reading of Aliens in Underpants.

We have really enjoyed looking at everyone’s models and we are very impressed with how fantastic they look.  Well done to everyone who took part.


Celebrating the Royal Wedding

Today we added items of red, white and blue to our uniforms to celebrate the Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan.

We talked about the Royal Family and found out where they are going to get married.   We also talked about why we were wearing red, white and blue.  We then made our own flags.

We also found out that Meghan’s favourite flowers are peonies so we made our own.

Finally we made wedding cards.


Maths, maths, everywhere!

Look at all the Maths that we have been learning through our play 🙂

Drawing the same number of spots on each side of a butterfly
Comparing numbers of stones on the posts.
Counting the holes in the large numicon
Writing prices on a menu
Using lollipop sticks to make shapes
Recognising when two amounts are the same
Counting how many children are here and recording
Adding numbers and starting to record


This week we have been reading the story Aliens Love Underpants, singing a song about men in a flying saucer and we introduced our ‘Create an Alien’ family project.

We have already had two family projects in and we are looking forward to seeing the more in a few weeks time.

We have also welcomed some new children to our Nursery.  The children already here have been trying hard to help them settle and make new friends.