Category Archives: Nursery

International Week in Nursery

This week has been international week at St Clement’s.

In Nursery our families come from all over the world:

England, Pakistan, China, Somalia, Bangladesh, Jamaica, Eritrea, Democratic Republic of the Congo and the area previously known as Kurdistan.

We started the week looking at a map of the world to find out where these countries are.


Then we watched videos showing how to make food from different areas, including China and the Caribbean.

On Friday we all made Chapati which is a flat bread eaten in Pakistan and other countries near Pakistan.

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World Book Day in Nursery

Today was World Book Day.  To celebrate Year 2 came to our classroom to read with us.  It was lovely to see everyone enjoying books together.

To finish off we read and recited ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ together.  All of the children joined in and did super actions.

When Year 2 had gone back to class Nursery listened to ‘Oi Goat’ and we all had a copy of the book to take home and share with our family.

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Chinese New Year in EYFS

This week there have been lots of special days.

In Nursery and Reception we have found out about Chinese New Year.  Reception listened to the story of the animal race.  Each year is named after an animal.  The order of the years is the same order as the animals finished in the race.  This year is the year of the dog.  In Reception we used the story to help us learn about ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd…)

chinese animals

In Nursery we found out about how Chinese people decorate their homes and write good luck messages for each other.  People also give each other money in red envelopes.

We made our own decorations and good luck messages.

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Both Nursery and Reception also watched a video of a traditional Chinese Lion and Dragon dance.  We all had great fun copying the moves and moving in time to the drums.

chinese lion

Shrove Tuesday in EYFS!

On Tuesday Reception and Nursery spoke about the importance of Shrove Tuesday to Christians. We decorated and tasted pancakes with different toppings including jam, butter and golden syrup. Mr Ricketts lead an assembly about Ash Wednesday marking the start of Lent. From this the children spoke about things adults and children may give up during  Lent and what we could do instead.

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Road Safety Workshop

On Tuesday Reception and Nursery had a visit from Paul to talk about the importance of being safe on the road. This included how to be safe when in a car, on a bike and when crossing roads. The children learnt about different types of crossings including pelican and zebra. They learnt that they have to hold hands with an adult and to keep checking left and right to see when it is safe to cross. Paul demonstrated the importance of sitting in a child seat and to always wear a seat-belt. The children also learnt about the need to wear a helmet when riding a bike. The children would like to thank Paul for teaching us all about road safety!

Make sure you all stay safe on the road!

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Rhyming in Nursery

The Nursery children have been learning about rhyming words.

Our story of the week has been ‘Duck in the Truck’ .


The children really enjoyed the story and by the end of the week were very good at completing the sentence with the rhyming word.

We have also been singing a song about silly soup.  The soup is made of rhyming words, like jug, bug and rug.  What a strange soup!


Every week the children in Nursery do such a wide variety of things.  Here are a few pictures of some of the things that we have done this week.

Junk models in Nursery

Over the last couple of weeks we have had some new children join our Nursery.  It has been lovely to see them settle in so well.  The children have helped make them feel welcome and it has been lovely to see new friendships developing.

All of the children are developing their skills in all areas of the curriculum.  We have been making good use of our junk modelling area.  Look at some of these fabulous creations: