What a fantastic day! Y3 have taken part in a whole school sports event at the Sports Hub. The day started with tennis, then onto rounders and indoor games before lunch! After lunch it was cricket, boxing and football.
Medals were awarded at each activity to children demonstrating positive sporting behaviours and putting in 100% effort – even when the task was difficult.
Take a look at some of our proud medalists in Y3 🙂
This week Year 3 have been busy rehearsing their class assembly. This is the final assembly following the ‘Inspirational People’ theme and Year 3 have been discovering the stories behind a group of 10 athletes who made history at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Each athlete is a refugee and has left their home country to find a place of safety. Year 3 will be telling the stories of these truly inspirational people in their assembly on Friday afternoon.
Next week it is Christian Aid Week and St. Clement’s will all be focusing their learning on refugees and trying to raise money to donate.
This week Nicola, our school nurse has been back to work with Y3. We have been working to find out more about hygiene.
Each group had to work together to discuss and list how we look after our bodies . Each group recorded reasons why it is important to wash and what would happen if we didn’t.
We discussed these parts of the body:
When it is warm or run around we sweat. This helps our body cool down. Sweat does not smell, however when it dries on our skin the bacteria feeds on the sweat and this is what smells.
Did you know we should…
visit the dentist every 6 months
wash our hair 3 times per week
wash our face and behind our ears everyday
wash even if we use deodorant
wash our hands every time after we touch an animal, after we sneeze and after going to the toilet
On Tuesday, Y3 caught the train into the city centre to visit Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery to start our new topic ‘Gods and Mortals’. This topic is based around the Ancient Greeks and Y3 will be finding out more across this half term.
At the museum we explored the Ancient Greek gallery, sketched some of the artefacts, and then worked with Sarah, the museum teacher to design an amphora pot with a geometric design. This design was then scratched onto a final piece to imitate the black figure technique. Afterwards we explored the red figure technique by painting an owl design, as a gift for Athena, the goddess of wisdom. Both techniques were used by the Ancient Greeks.
Finally, Sarah took us back to the Ancient Greek gallery to carry out a treasure hunt, where we found the Ancient Greek equivalents of everyday objects, e.g. a jug or mug. Y3 also found out more about each of the different gods and designed an offering for them.
This week has been an Innovate week in Year 3. We have reached the end of this term’s topic ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’ and have finished off with accepting a challenge from Starsmooth International.
STARSMOOTH INTERNATIONAL – A taste sensation! We are currently seeking ideas for a range of fresh and tempting new smoothie recipes to add to our existing menu, to be sold in our world-wide stores.Winning applicants will have the opportunity to become part of our highly regarded design and development team.For more information, please contact Squeezy Joe on 7963 7662662.
After reading the advert and accepting the challenge Y3 discussed their understanding of what a smoothie is and then sampled what is already available to buy in the supermarkets. Before tasting Year 3 had to predict the ingredients of each smoothie.
Even Nicola, our school nurse took part. As you can see some smoothies had nicer tastes than others!
Year 3 were then able to identify the flavours they liked and designed and named their own smoothie. Have a look at their fabulous designs.
On Friday morning we worked collaboratively to cut our fruit safely and blend to make a delicious smoothie 🙂
This week Year 3 have been working hard to plan, tell and write their own tales of fear. Everyone shared their ideas of possible settings for our stories and also fears. Lots of time was spent with a partner in drawing as story map and rehearsing ideas for each of the five parts of the story. Also, each pair listened to and made changes to their stories following peer assessment. Finishing the week on the writing of individual stories and using a checklist to make sure each paragraph had a range of sentences and punctuation.
Miss Mcleod and myself have been astounded with the quality of writing this week. We are very proud of each and every child in Year 3. Mo Farah YOU are STAR WRITER this week 🙂
Ask your child to tell their tale of fear. Can you guess what the fear is?
Our Science topic this half term is ‘Animals, including humans – keeping healthy’. Our learning has so far covered what nutrition is and the different food groups.
Y3 are becoming experts in understanding what is needed for a balanced diet and also the purpose of each food group.
Wow! What a great start to this half term, Year 3’s new topic is called ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’. This topic will have lots of exciting learning opportunities with food as the main focus.
Monday morning started with baking flapjacks in our Maths lesson. We discovered how important it is to be able to read a scale accurately when measuring out our ingredients.
Then on Wednesday, we travelled to Pizza Express where they had an opportunity to make their own pizzas! Every child had the chance to experience how to flatten the dough for their pizzas, before adding the other ingredients.
Year 3 all had the pleasure of taking home their pizzas to enjoy with their families. We hope you all enjoyed a taste of their handy work. Well done Year 3, the Pizza Express staff were extremely impressed with your behaviour and positive attitudes to your learning.
A huge thank you to the dads that joined us for the visit – your support was invaluable