Book Week.

Last week was a very fun, creative week in Year 2!

On Thursday it was book week and we all dressed up as monsters or mythical creatures from our favourite books. Year 2 looked fantastic and they all had a great day!

Throughout the week, Year 2 read the book ‘The Singing Mermaid’ by Julia Donaldson. We found out that the mermaid had been lied to by Sam Sly and kept in a horrible, small fish tank. As a class, we wrote letters pretending to be the mermaid to tell the sea creatures what had been happening.

We also sketched some fantastic mermaids and used watercolours to improve them. We used sponges to make a watery back ground and our master pieces were complete! Come and chec

Commotion in the Ocean.

Year two have begun learning about Sea creatures and all living things under the sea.

As a class, we read the collection of poems called ‘commotion in the ocean’. We looked at how the poems were structured and what we thought made a good poem. We also learnt some off by heart and performed them to the rest of the class.

We learnt about using our voice and including actions to make it more interesting. Then we wrote our own poems about sea creatures. Come and check them out!



Y6 visit to the Art Gallery

On Tuesday, Year 6 visited the Art Gallery as part of their topic ‘Gallery Rebels ‘ The children explored the galleries and observed and discussed various paintings. The children were very keen to look at the paintings  from the 16th and 17th  century. They particularly enjoyed the religious paintings from this era. They spent the afternoon sketching their favourite paintings and sculptures.


Handa’s Surprise

Handa’s Surprise

This week we have been introduced to our new Talk for Writing story – Handa’s Surprise. The children have learnt the story off by heart and used actions to re-tell the story. We have written recounts of Handa’s day and are able to talk about the story confidently.

Rosie’s Walk

Nursery have enjoyed reading the book Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins.  In the story Rodie goes for a walk through the farmyard.  She doesn’t realise that the fox is following her.

The story helped us to practise positional language like ‘over’ ‘under’ and ‘through’.  We enjoyed making up our own versions of the story using different farm animals.


Capacity in Reception

This week for Maths Reception have been learning about capacity. They have been able to recognise the amounts ‘full’, ’empty’ and ‘half full and half empty’ and have been using the language lots. They used coloured water and rice to explore this.

Year 6 Residential

Year 6 Residential
A group off Year 6 pupils had the opportunity to attend a one night residential, supported by our friends at Holford Drive Sports Hub. The children and staff arrived at the Hub after school on Friday. The first activity had the children working together and communicating in a variety of ‘Team Building Games’. The children then took part in a workshop looking at social issues effecting young people today, delivered by Colvin White, who is part of the Birmingham Safeguarding Board. Pizza and chips were enjoyed by all for tea, as well as Pancakes and Toast the next morning. The children also had the opportunity to participate in Dodge Ball, Table Tennis, PS4 Competitions and not forgetting, football, outside in the dark! All the children had a great time and we look forward to our next trip.

” It was so much fun. I really want to come again.” Year 6 Pupil.

Y3 School Nurse visit

Maria our school nurse came into class this week to talk to us more about keeping our bodies healthy from our heads to our toes. Year 3 worked collaboratively to identify how we can keep our bodies healthy.

Maria told us that headaches can be caused by not drinking enough water in class so we must make sure we drink enough water to stay hydrated. Another possible reason for a headache is that we may need to visit the optician, especially if we are finding it difficult to see the board or our reading books.

Head Lice can spread very quickly in a classroom. Head Lice often called nits. Nits are the empty egg sacs that often look like dandruff in our hair. Egg sacs can look like brown dots on each strand of hair. Maria advised that each week we should check our hair. Head Lice are small wingless insects and are spread by close contact between our heads. Sign of Head Lice are if an itchy scalp which stop us learning or keep us awake, white flakes in hair or brothers or sisters with . Get an adult check by  combing  through hair with a comb and conditioner.

Coughs and colds spread germs so it is vital to catch the cough or sneeze in a tissue , throw it away and wash our hands properly.

Ask Year 3 for further details 🙂