Ever Friday morning this half term year 5 have been going to King Edward’s School for sport coaching. We have been coached in three sports: rounders, cricket and athletics. The children have thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and have been a credit to the school.
See below for some pictures of the children in action.
On Monday, Year 4 were lucky enough to take part in an exciting poetry workshop led by Language Alive. We imagined ourselves in the future, in 2020, when the president has made outrageous laws, including making poetry illegal. We worked in role as undercover newspaper reporters to infiltrate the poet’s gang and find out his plan. In our role, we learnt the poetry rules and used them to make our own poems. We made up new words to describe ordinary objects, used our feet to feel the beat and had great fun thinking of new ways to describe a spider. It was a fantastic afternoon and it has inspired us to work on our own poems and songs this week.
We have now completed our We’re going on a bear hunt display. We have all made some camouflage binoculars and used real ones in our bird watching hide to spot our feathered friends in the school grounds. We have talked about how we explain where things are and have used a teddy bear to assess our understanding and use of positional language.
We have also explored the work of Barbara Hepworth who was a famous sculptor. We focused on her piece sea form and are now making our own pieces in her style, watch this space for our completed display!
Over the last couple of weeks we have been conducting a science experiment to test the 5 second rule and if food we drop on the floor is it really safe to eat? We observed any changes that had happened to the food after one week and again after two weeks. Here are some pictures of the cheese we dropped on the floor can you spot the difference?
Cheese one week after being dropped on the carpet for 5 secondsCheese two weeks after being dropped on the classroom carpet for 5 seconds.
Cheese one week after being dropped on the carpet for 10 secondsCheese two weeks after being dropped on the carpet for ten seconds.
Cheese one week after being dropped on the playground floor for 10 seconds.Cheese two weeks after being dropped on the playground floor
We dropped food on the classroom carpet, the playground floor and the girls toilets on the Key Stage 2 corridor. Can you guess which food had the least bacteria growing on them? Have a look at the pictures below for some clues.
That’s right you’ve guessed it the toilet floor. The food dropped on the toilet floor had the least amount of bacteria growing on it after two weeks.
The chocolate didn’t have any bacteria growing on it. It didn’t matter if it was the control sample or which floor it had been dropped on. We will look more about why this is next week!
Come and talk to Y3 to ask why the food dropped on the toilet floor had the least amount of bacteria growing on it.
This week, we have been busy making our very own Troll cress heads. We didn’t want our Troll’s to be bald, so we decided to grow some hair! Some of the children used their phonics knowledge to read some instructions to make their version of cress. They used cotton wool and kitchen roll.
We also decided to make a different version of the cress heads to see which type would grow faster! First, we decorated our tiny pot with googly eyes and scary features, just like the troll in the story of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. Then we filled the pot with compost, but only half way. After that, we placed the cress seeds and topped it up with more compost. Finally, we watered our cress heads and now waiting for the troll’s hair to grow!
Amelia scooping the compost into her pot.Alisha’s mean troll’s face!‘We are working together to make a cress head for Mrs Bi’
This week we continued with our work around the story We’re going on a bear hunt by Michael Rosen. The children have been working hard on making bear masks and scenes from the story for our class display. We have completed pictures and writing about our favourite parts of the story . When our work was complete, we asked two friends to talk about our work and say what they liked best about it. We also asked if they could say what might make it better next time. Great job everyone!
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