Forest School wk beginning 17th September

This week in our Forest School sessions we used the bow saw.  We listened carefully to the tools talk so that we knew how to use it safely.  We used the bow saw to cut slices of wood from a branch.  we then decorated the slices and wrote a Fruit of the Spirit on each one.  Next week we will finish using the palm drill to put holes in the slices and then we can hang them up in the willow dome.

On Thursday some of the children worked together to make a small den / house for an animal.  It even had a swimming pool!

ST. Clement’s Stay and Play

Stay and Play

On Wednesday mornings, St. Clement’s holds a Stay and Play session for children aged birth – 3 Years. The sessions are held in the school hall, where there is a wide range of toys and activities to engage the little ones, as well as, friendly staff and parents to enjoy a nice chat with.

If you are interested in attending the sessions then please come along and enjoy the fun! Sessions run from 9.00am – 10.00am and families without children attending  St. Clement’s are also welcome. See Miss Akers for further details.

A new visitor in Year 2…

Last week, Year 2 entered the classroom to find we had been visited over the weekend by something very strange indeed.

Upon investigation the children noticed there were some glittery footprints along with a trail of slime in the classroom and started to wonder as to who may have left that. We also spotted something that looked like a crash! Lots of wires, metal objects and screws. Very strange.

The children were asked to file a report for the police and explain what they thought had happened. We had some amazing ideas! Could it be a glitter monster? Could it be a scary, slimy alien?

Keep your eyes are ears open if you’re in the Year 2 hut!

Theseus and the Minotaur in Year 3

This week Year three have been busy learning and exploring their first narrative of the year – Theseus and the Minotaur.


This is an ancient Greek myth and links perfectly with our current topic – Gods and Mortals. It is a conquering the monster tale and is split into five clear parts:

  1. Opening Introduce the main character and all is well.
  2. Build up A monster appears and causes problems.
  3. Problem The monster is difficult to defeat.
  4. Resolution The main character defeats the monster.
  5. Ending All is well again and the main character gets a reward.

This has allowed Year 3 to learn the story by putting actions to the key parts and then retold in the correct order by following a story map. Click on the link below to see our story map


After putting actions to our story, Year 3 explored the characters further through drama. Hot seating, freeze frames and spot lighting really helped Year 3 understand more about the characters.

Zog the flying doctor!

In Year 1 we have been learning the story ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson. We have been learning to re-tell the story off by heart using actions and role play.  We have enjoyed making puppets, creating story maps and using our phonics knowledge to label and write sentences about Zog.

School nurse visits Year 3

This week our school nurse Maria has been into class to tell Year 3 more about healthy foods and healthy lunchboxes.

Each group had to work collaboratively to create their own lunchbox. They were very interesting with many groups including lots of chocolate, sweets and biscuits.

Then, Maria told us more about the Eatwell plate and each group repacked their lunchbox to reflect their new learning.



Reading for Pleasure in Year 5

Thank you to those who were able to meet with us last week at the Parents’ Evening. Wee hope you found the information useful. As discussed, reading skills and the love of reading are an important part of learning. To support your child even more, you can also listen to audio books online. This is a fantastic way to learn new words and heard how intonation is used in storytelling.

Here are some websites that you can visit for free, good quality audio books:
