Year 4 PSHE

This week, in PSHE, the children continued to work on what makes them special. They began to look at the values they have and what they do that makes them feel proud. Showing their creative side, the children made up poems about themselves to reflect the people they are.

SDC10587 SDC10586 SDC10582The children felt it was important to be positive and to encourage happiness in others. When discussing feeling proud, all the children were able to identify their achievements and showed praise and respect for the achievements of others.

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Miss Akers

Year 3 PSHE

To start the lesson, this week, Codie shared a story with us. This helped the children to learn about showing respect to others and developed their listening skills.

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The main focus of the lesson, this week, was similarities and differences. The children discussed the meaning of difference and whether this is a good or bad thing. The children, all agreed being different is good. They were able to talk, with confidence, about what made them different and also what similarities they shared, not only with their family, but with friends, teachers and people within their community.

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Using their Dot Com journals, the children completed work on when being different can make them feel uncomfortable. Being the youngest, not being good a sport and being the only boy or girl in a group, were some of the situations the children came up with.

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Miss Akers

Construction, magnets and giants!

Nursery have really enjoyed our book this week: Jack and the Beanstalk.  It has been great to hear them all joining in with the repeating phrases in the story “Fee Fi Fo Fum!”

The construction area has been busy this week.  Some of the creations have been very impressive.  It was lovely to see that the children were determined to complete a task, even when their towers fell they kept on trying until they succeeded.


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Some of the children enjoyed exploring what happens with the magnets.  They experimented with how to make the magnets attract and repel and how to make paper clips move using the magnet.


Green class travel back in time to 79AD

Our topic this half term is called Tremors and this week Green class have travelled back in time to 79AD and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii.

map blogY3 have explored this event through freeze frames and hot seating and discussed how they would have felt witnessing the thunderous blast from the volcano and seeing the pillar of ash shooting from the throat of Vesuvius. Then the raining down of red-hot rocks and thick poisonous gas cloud that engulfed and destroyed the city and its entire population of 20,000 people.


Have a look at our freeze frames and see if you can work out the feelings of Green class.

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Year 2 love poetry.

This week we have been learning about poetry. We have been reading a range of classic and contemporary poems. We chose our favourite poem and performed it to the rest of the class. Some children decided to perform ‘Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater’ If you see us, ask us what our favourite poem is! On Friday we wrote our own poems about what makes us feel happy.DSC02799 DSC02803 DSC02800 DSC02806

first meeting

The School Council met this week for their first meeting of 2016/2017. The council discussed lunch times, school dinners, play times, classroom learning and how they can share pupil voice.

All classes were represented and we hope to have feedback from pupils within the next few weeks.

Keep a look out for updates.


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School Council