Volcanoes and Divas – part one

It has been a busy week in Green class this week with lots of art and design technology enhancing our learning. Miss Shryane worked with Green class to create volcano models. Hopefully the models will dry over the weekend and then we will paint them and make them erupt!

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With our Religious Education learning being all about Diwali, Year 3 have also made their own diva lamps from clay. Divali means “rows of lighted lamps”.People light lots of small oil lamps called diyas or divas.  They are placed around the home and in gardens to remember how Rama and Sita were welcomed home.

Hindus believe that by lighting these lamps, the goddess Lakshmi will visit them and bring them wealth.

We used a ‘thumb pot’  design and are now patiently waiting for them to dry so they can be painted in bright, eye catching colours next week.


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Read our blog next week to find out how well our volcano models erupted and how we decorated our diva lamps.

Formulae in maths

In  Maths this week Year 6 have been looking at calculating  area ,perimeter  and volume. We applied the formulae we learnt throughout the week  to our work.   We were able to use this knowledge to find the  volume of cuboids.

We  are getting ready  to apply this knowledge to SATs questions.DSC02048 DSC02049 DSC02050 DSC02051  DSC02402 DSC02403 DSC02404 DSC02405


Year 5 2D and 3D maths work

This week Year 5 have been classifying and identifying the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. In our lessons we have been developing and applying all our knowledge to create our own 3D shapes.

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We created chatter boxes which had information about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

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We created our own cuboid boxes which involved us measuring with a ruler accurately.

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The cuboids were then tuned into gas mask boxes which fits into our topic work on  World War 2.


Two of our very sad evacuees.


Insect hunting

This week many of the children have become bug hunters!  They have looked for insects under logs and in the wood chipping.  We found worms, earwigs, millipedes and a woodlouse.  We had to look on the iPad to find out what each insect was.  We put them into a bug holder so we could have a close look at them.  We also took photographs and drew pictures of what we found.





Our story this week has been The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  The children have enjoyed taking on the role of the characters in the story.

We enjoy singing in Nursery.  One of our favourite songs this week has been ‘Five Little Ducks’.

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The Day The Crayons Quit.

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This week in Year 2, we have been reading ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Oliver Jeffers.

Year 2 have been thinking about imperative verbs and using them in command sentences. We received a letter from a very angry Blue Crayon who was just too tired and wanted to be put back in the box. We have been writing our own command sentences pretending we are a very unhappy crayon and demanding change!

We hope that none of the other items in out class are angry!

Year 4 Potions

Year 4 have been creating their own magical potions. We collected ingredients such as, troll’s slime, giant’s toenails and unicorn tears. We mixed the potion to create our own magical spell. We made spells to grow as tall as a giant, make anything you touch turn to gold, run as fast as a cheetah and fly like a Pegasus. We made labels for our potions and wrote instructions to describe how to make them.


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Year 5 PSHE

During PSHE, this week, the children looked at different types of relationships.


Article 15: Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.

The children were able to identify positive relationships and qualities they look for in a friend. Working together, the children discussed the meaning of a gang or group. We highlighted that some groups help us to showcase our talents and build on our skills. As a class, we found out that some of us attend dance groups, football clubs, karate clubs and many others.

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The children also discussed the negative behaviour of some gangs and groups and how this stops other people enjoying their rights.

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Miss Akers

Year 6 PSHE

What is a friend? Was the question Year 6 answered during PSHE, this week.


The children, in groups, discussed whether we want a friend to be similar or different to ourselves. The children then looked at the triangle of need and identified that, having friends, is one of our basic needs.

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We then discussed how having friends and spending time with them should not impact on our right to be safe. The children then thought about the question, ‘ Can our friends sometimes put our safety at risk?’ By the end of the lesson, all the children were able to, confidently, complete their Dot Com learning journal.

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Miss Akers

Let’s get creative in Year 1!

In Year 1 we have been continuing our learning based around the Gruffalo and Autumn. So this week, we have been thinking about all the animals that live in the deep, dark wood.  The challenge in the creative area was to make a creature that we would find in the woods.  The children were able to recall a range of animals we could find hiding in their habitats. They had to design then create their own animal. After that they had to explain to a friend how they had made it. The additional challenge was to write some instructions using their phonics knowledge and writing skills.

Look at all the amazing creations the children have made!

Can you tell what animals we have made?

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What can you make at home? Can you create it then write some instructions to share with the class?