Dog Trust in Year 1

This week in Year 1, we had a special visitor in our classroom. We were lucky to be greeted by Bailey and his owner. They were sat on Miss Tsang’s chair! We were extremely excited and eager to find out why there was a dog in our classroom. They had come from Dog Trust to teach us about looking after dogs. Bailey’s owner told us a story and we were the actor and actresses of the story. We did an excellent job! We now know how to care for animals, and we have decided to turn our role play into a Vet surgery to look after all of the sick animals.

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PSHE – Year 5

During PSHE in Year 5 this week children looked at Friendships and making the right choices. We looked at scenario’s where someone may ask you to keep a secret which may make the children feel unsafe and a secret which might make them feel safe. Children discussed with their peers how they would deal with these situations and shared their reasons for this with their groups (and later their class). As a class children showed a clear understanding of how to deal with situation that they are uncomfortable with and were very clear on who they could share information with if they felt unsafe or uncomfortable about something.




PSHE – Year 6

During this week’s PSHE lesson the childen in Year 6 have focused on Keeping Safe. During the lesson children discussed what ‘Being Safe’ means to them and shared their views and ideas with their class. Children also looked at who’s responsibility it is to keep themsleves safe? As a class the children looked at scenerio’s which might make them feel unsafe and discussed what they could do in these situations. As a class all of the children were able to identify people who they could talk to that helped them to feel safe in school and outside of school.









Reception’s autumn walk

On Tuesday, Reception went on a trip to Sutton Park. We have been learning all about autumn and noticing the changes that occur. During our trip, we explored different areas of the park looking out for autumn things. We collected different coloured leaves, pine cones, sticks, conkers and much more! We did an activity where we matched up colours and objects. The children had a fantastic time and can’t wait for the next trip!

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Year 2 visit Aston Hall.

This week Year 2 went on an exciting trip to Aston Hall. We went as part of our learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’. Aston Hall was built at around the same time as The Great Fire of London, this meant we could find out about how people lived in the 17th century.

We found out lots about how the fire started and how everybody had to work together to put the fire out. We were able to walk around the cold rooms in Aston Hall to see what the kitchens, bedrooms and great halls would have looked like back in 1666. We had to use our imagination to find out what would have happened when the fire started in Pudding Lane and how it spread all the way through London.

Some children got to dress up as Thomas Farriner, Samuel Peyps and King Charles II, as well as their maids. We acted out parts of what would have happened during the fire. We thought about how the fire started in the kitchen, what Samuel Peyps would have seen and how people had to work together to put the fire out as there wasn’t any fire men like we have today!

Even though we had to walk a very long way, we had lots of fun!

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