Illuminated Manuscripts

To continue our learning about the plague in the 14th century, Year 5 have been studying illuminated manuscripts. These were books, mainly written by monks, that were heavily decorated. The decorations included intricately painted initials, borders and small images. Some of these books were even painted with real gold or silver as they were that special!

We designed our initial in the style of an illuminated manuscripts.







Talk for Writing in Reception

This week Reception have been reading the story ‘The Little Red Hen’. We watched a video clip of other children performing Talk for Writing of The Little Red Hen. Then we made up our own actions to match the words. The children have worked really hard to learn the words of the story and remember the actions. Some children even made their own story maps and labelled them! Next week, we are looking forward to making bread just like the little red hen did. Hopefully we will have lots of helping hands.

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Osmosis and Diffusion

During our  Science investigation  this week we were looking  at these two very important processes that happen within our bodies.

We carried out an investigation using skittles and water to show the process of diffusion. The children in pairs used vegi-gel, inks and blotting paper to produce some abstract diffusion prints.










Why don’t you ask your child to explain these processes to you?

Talk for Writing in Year 1

This week in Year 1, we have started our new Talk for Writing story – Little Red Riding Hood. This is one of our all time favourite’s! We started off the week by writing our very own version of Little Red Riding Hood. We tried so hard!  After that, we decided to look at a different version of the story. We have been learning it through acting out the story using puppets, drawing story maps and adding actions for us to remember the story off by heart!

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PHSE – Year 1 and 2

Year 1 – Friends

In Year 1 today the children had to think about friends and why they are important – we discussed that friends have different qualities and I gave examples from own experiences.  The children were able to talk about their abilities and what they felt proud of.

Year 2 – Abilities and Interests

In Year 2 today we talked about Rory and Jasmine’s abilities and interests. Children had to tell the class what they are learning to do and what they are good at. Children discussed their abilities and interests.

PHSE – Year 3 and 6

Year 3  – Feelings

In today’s lesson the children were given feeling cards and they had to describe how the children on the cards were feeling and why they may be feeling like that.

Afterwards we talked about how the children could keep themselves safe and together we read Dot’s story on safety. We all discussed how we should keep ourselves safe at all times and the children completed the pages from their journal to reflect this.

Year 6 – Weapons

Today in Tear 6 we talked about weapons.  We explored and discussed the way weapons are portrayed in films and on TV.  We spoke about how this is not a true reflection of reality.

The children completed the relevant pages in their journals on weapons and discussed what the risks of carrying a weapon are.

Inspirational People #teamrefugee

This week Year 3 have been busy rehearsing their class assembly. This is the final assembly following the ‘Inspirational People’ theme and Year 3 have been discovering the stories behind a group of 10 athletes who made history at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

Each athlete is a refugee and has left their home country to find a place of safety. Year 3 will be telling the stories of these truly inspirational people in their assembly on Friday afternoon.

Next week it is Christian Aid Week and St. Clement’s will all be focusing their learning on refugees and trying to raise money to donate.

PHSE – Year 4 and 5

Year 4  – Fear

We started our PHSE lesson with circle time this afternoon.  Together we discussed fear and the effects it has on their own and other people’s behaviour.

Next we read the story ‘being alone’ and I asked the children varying questions.  We had a lot of discussion time and children worked well.

Year 5 –  Influence

In today’s lesson we discussed what is meant by the word ‘influence’ and the children looked at who and what influences them i.e. parents, adverts, friends.

After class discussions the children had to write a definition of the word influence and about some of the things that influence them.

Spring has sprung in Year 2.

Year 2 have settled well into the new term and we have begun our new topic learning all about plants. We have planted some carrots, chilli, radish, indian cress and even some sunflowers!

We have become planting experts and have been writing instruction texts to tell other people how to plant their seeds ready for spring. If you have any planting questions, please direct them to any child in Year 2!

Year 2 have also been working really hard to prepare themselves for taking the SATs in 2 weeks time. Keep up the good work Year 2.

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