Year 5 Forest School

This week the Year 5 children have enjoyed using our Forest School area.  The highlight of the week for me was on Wednesday.  The children decided to build a shelter.  I was really impressed with the way they worked together and listened to each other’s ideas.

When they had finished the shelter they moved seating logs under it, built a pretend camp fire and we sat under it for our reflection time.

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The Animal man in Year 1

In Year 1 this week, we had a special visit from the Animal man. He brought a range of woodlands animals to meet us. We met Ben the Beetle, Speckles the Owl and Tango the corn snake.  We really enjoyed learning lots of new facts about these creatures! Now, we are ready to create our very own factfiles about these animals.

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Year 3 and 4 PSHE

The children have been learning about rules and how they keep us safe. They have been able to relate this idea to areas of their own life and, in Year 3,  they have been able to identify people in the community who help keep them safe.

Article 41
If a country has laws and standards that
go further than the present Convention,
then the country must keep these laws.

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