On Thursday, the whole school celebrated the Queen’s 90th birthday. In the morning, Year 5 undertook a number of activities relating to Great Britain and celebration.
We started the day looking at British Values and focused on democracy. The class were split into five groups and they had to imagine they were stranded on a desert island. Each group had to elect a leader before and create a manifesto. The groups then presented their manifesto before the class had an election and voted for the party they wanted to lead the desert island.
We then spent the rest of the morning practising our circus skills, designing a stamp to commemorate the Queen’s birthday and making sandwiches for the afternoon street party. All the children were brilliant at the circus skills and I’m sure we might see a few of them on Britain’s Got Talent in the future.
In the afternoon we moved outside for the street party to celebrate the Queen’s birthday. The children each had a plate of food, including the sandwiches they made, and then had a chance to wave their Great British flags and dance to some music from the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
On Thursday 21st April we had a fun-filled day celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday.
In the morning, we carefully made Union Jack kites. We also enjoyed making our own cheese and jam sandwiches, ready to eat at the tea party. In the afternoon, we couldn’t wait to fly our kites! We were really careful not to bump into each other.
We had a really exciting day. Many children said that it was ‘The best day ever!’
On Thursday 21st April St.Clement’s celebrated the Queen’s 90th birthday. In the morning Year 4 had great fun taking part in a circus workshop. We also enjoyed making our own sandwiches, which we ate at our tea party. At the end of the day we received a precious coin from Mr Ricketts to help us remember the special day.
Year 6 started off their day exploring British Value’s and looked at some of the links that the British Values had to our current World War Two topic. Children produced some great persuasive pieces of writing based on the British Value ‘Tolerance’. During the morning children also had the opportunity to learn a few circus skills with the help of the instructor Stu.
Our afternoon was filled with excitement and joy as our class (along with the rest of the school) took part in a party to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday and St. George’s Day. There was music, food and lots of laughter.
Writing about British Values
Stu teaching Yr 6 new skillsDeveloping our skills.Showcasing my new skills.Balance is the key.
This week we have explored British culture, traditions and values as we have celebrated our Queen’s 90th birthday.
We have made kites, flags & bunting, red roses and sandwiches as we prepared for yesterday’s St George’s Day street party which was really great fun. We picnicked, played games and danced in the sun. At the end of the day we all were presented with a commemorative crown as a memento of a very special day.
As part of our celebrations, every class focussed on a different time in the Queen’s life . We looked at 2000-16. We have explored the Olympic games hosted in England in 2012. We have also looked at the celebrations for The Queen’s Golden and Diamond Jubilees.
We have talked about our special friends the things we have in common ,our differences and how we should respect the things that make others unique and special to us.
This week two local police officers joined us for fruit and milk. They told us all about their job and let us have a good look at their uniform. Another great moment in Nursery!
To kick start the day year 3 learnt some new circus skills with the help of Vegetable Stu. He taught us how to balance a Peacock feather and to juggle scarves. We also had a go at the hula hoop, the diabolo, stilt cups, plate spinning and the flower sticks. We learnt many skills and had great fun. We then headed back to the classroom to design a new stamp, make some sandwiches for the street party this afternoon and also learnt something about our decade – the Sixties.
The afternoon was the event most of us had been waiting for, St Clement’s very own street party. We all took our sandwiches, crisps, cakes and biscuits outside. We listened to some music from the different decades since the Queen was born. It was fun to see the teachers singing and dancing to some of the older songs. After we had our food and drink we had a whole school game of musical statues.
Vegetable Stu- our circus teacherLook how easy it is to balance a Peacock feather!Juggling with handkerchiefs.The flower stick
Spinning the platesThe assault course on stilt cups.The Diabolo- it’s harder than it looks!
Year 3 waving their flags for the start of the street party.A chance to eat, drink and chat with our friends at the ST Clement’s street party.
This week in Reception, we have been busy preparing for the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations. Firstly, we used our phonics knowledge to write shopping lists to decide what we would like to eat at the Queen’s party. We then explored where she lives, and drew some amazing pictures of the castle we thought the Queen might live in.
Today, we enjoyed our Queen’s 90th birthday celebration. We wore red, blue and white, and made our own flags to wave at the party! We enjoyed making our own sandwiches, and made some special kites that we can fly on a windy day!
Best of all, we received a very special coin from Mr Ricketts to help us remember such a special day!
Reception Team =)
The children’s fantastic castle pictures!The children making their kites with Mrs BiParty time!Yummy food!