Instructions in year1

For the last two weeks year 1 have been looking at instructions in literacy. It’s been a really enjoyable couple of weeks and we have had plenty of chances to carry out and write our own instructions. Some of the instructions we’ve looked at have included making sandwiches and inventing our own game. Check out the pictures below to see the fun we had!

sand 1

sand 3

sand 5

sand 4

sand 6

in 2

in 3

in 4

in 5

in 6

in 7


Measuring (Year2)

This week in maths, we have been learning about measuring. We have been measuring in practical situations. We really enjoyed predicting if children were taller or shorter than a metre. We learnt how to read scales in divisions of ones, twos, fives and tens on the scale. Some children were even able to read a scale where not all numbers are given! Well done year 2!








Alice in Wonderland

In literacy Year 5 have been writing their own versions of Alice in Wonderland.

We took inspiration from The Arrival by Shaun Tan to write setting descriptions for our story.






We have written our best paragraph onto paper so we can create weird and wonderful stories using all of our ideas.

St Clements on sea

SDC16214SDC16191 SDC16213This week the seaside arrived in Nursery. We now have a fantastic sandy bay and beach cafe role play.Our work linked to this weeks story The lighthouse keeper’s lunch. We have looked at packed lunches and discussed healthy options; the food that is good for us. We looked at things that we should eat occasionally as treats. We have made our own picnic baskets and made healthy choices and allowed ourselves one treat because picnics are special and a treat in its self.


We have also been making our own ocean drums to bring the sound of the sea into Nursery too!

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All we need now is the sun. Wish you were here!

Y3 Visit Beacon Park and Loemonsley Brook

As part of our topic ‘Flow’ Year 3 visited Beacon Park, Lichfield.  We had a great day with Ruth the Ranger observing, sampling and measuring Leomonsley Brook.  After meeting Ruth, we split into three groups and started our activities.  Those of us with Wellies on were allowed into the brook to help Mrs Hall measure the width and depth of the brook, we had to convert the cm to metres too!  We then had to measure the temperature of the water and the last part was the most fun.  To measure how fast the brook was flowing we played the traditional game of Pooh Sticks with dog biscuits with a modern twist – scoring a goal between Mrs Hall’s two feet while she timed them to see how fast the dog biscuits took to travel down river.  Play was only interrupted once by the opposition when they sent in a rogue player; a black Labrador into the brook to paddle and retrieve a few of the stray dog biscuits.  Mrs Hall was unharmed just a bit wet around the edges.  We also measured how clean the water was, as this would tell us how well the plant would grow.  The more circles we could see at the bottom of the container, the cleaner the water was.

Next, we went pond dipping with Ruth to take samples of the different creatures living in the brook.  We managed to catch and observe; snails, caddis fly larvae, fresh water shrimp, tadpoles and water mites.  We dragged a net in the water and then emptied our nets into a tray, we then used an identification chart to help us identify the things we had caught.  It was great fun and really interested to see what lives below the surface of the water.

Miss Groom and here group looked at the trees along the river bank and identified them from our key.  There were eight different trees alongside the river. Why not ask Year 3 to see if they can name them?  We then observed the layout of the river and made a sketch of it.

A great day was had by all.

Mujtabah sampling the water. He was closely observing the water for anything that might be living in the brook.


Sketching the layout of the brook.



Measuringeasuring the width


Measuring the depth of the brook.
Lunch time after a hard day observing, sampling and measuring the brook.
How many circles can you you count? The more circles, the clearer the water and the more plants will grow in the brook.




Halo Mexico!

This week Year 6 have continued with our Mexico themed topic and created our own Mexican Artwork and also our very own Mexican food. We began by creating our own interpretation of the Ancient Mexican Gods during an afternoon.

Later in the week we got started on our cooking session. We started off by creating a set of instructions on ‘How to create Guacamole, Salsa sauce, and Quesadilla’s’. Once we had created our instructions, we went on making our very own Mexican food. Take a look below at all the great fun we had.















The Big Read Book Bench

The Big Read Book Bench

During art lessons children have been working in groups to help decorate St Clement’s Book Bench, which will be part of ‘The Big Read’ an educational event during the 16th July until 13th September 2016.

The book bench has been decorated with well-known characters from famous children’s books. Have a look at the pictures below do  you recognise any of them?

The book bench will be displayed in a secret location in Birmingham’s city centre giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy children’s creativity and love for reading.

Make sure you go out and find our book bench this summer. It will be an unmissable creative event!























Reception receive a message in a bottle!

This week in Reception, a bottle appeared on the table in our classroom! The children predicted where they thought it might have come from, and who could have sent it. They had lots of wonderful ideas! Some thought it might be a treasure map sent by a pirate, and others thought it might be a message from Tiddler the fish.



The children helped Miss Tsang read the letter, and found out it was from our friend Pearl from Bonnie Cove. She wanted us to tell Nori about all the things that we can find in the sand. We wrote letters back to Pearl, and we also asked her nicely, if we can visit Bonnie Cove again!

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Time Traveller

Year Fives new topic for this half term is Time Traveller.

As part of our topic we are discovering what we looked like back in time. Can you guess which of these babies are our current Year 5? Can you find Mrs Webster and Mrs Austin-Smith?



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Year 1 sports day

Today year 1 took part in the annual school sports day. Luckily the weather stayed nice and dry all day and the children had a great time. The children competed in a number of events including the egg and spoon race, 20m dash, long jump and bean bag throw. They finished off with a well deserved treat of an ice cream. See below for some pictures of the day.

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