This Week in PSHE, Year 6 worked in groups to develop a better understanding of the Dot Com characters. They worked together to identify key facts about the character and compiled questions they would like to ask them. Confidently, the children were able to discuss why Dot is a good character for children to relate to. The children felt that Dot faced some of the same troubles that they themselves faced, or could face in the future. They enjoyed learning more about Genie, who is Dot’s best friend, and began to look at the value of true friendship.
Next week, Year 6 are going to explore Article 30 of the UNICEF Children’s Rights handbook. “Every child has the right to use their own language, customs and the religion of their family regardless of whether these are shared by the majority of people in the country where they live.”
The children will explore Article 30 and how this relates to friendship.
Miss Akers