This week in Year 6, we completed research on Brazil and created leaflets to encourage tourists to visit Brazil. We worked our hardest to produce this work and we learned a lot of facts from our research.
As well as learning facts and preparing leaflets, we created bracelets and flags using Brazilian colors to use during the carnival parade. There fun bright colours helped protray happiness.
We were also taught some choreography which we performed in-front of the whole school. It was a thrilling time for us to experience and we think it was a great enjoyment for the children who were watching. Year 6 tried their hardest and showed their maturity and hard work throughout the show.
Along with the Brazilian dancing we created our own Samba band and Samba songs which was fun to experience their cultures singing and made a loud but fun atmosphere.
Overall we had great and everyone enjoyed themselves and the activities.
Written by, Sofia Sheckler and Bailey Wilson