To listen, show respect and value the voice of others.
Article 12: Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.
This term, in PSHE, Year 2 are learning about ‘Living In The Wider World’. This week we looked at why it is important to listen to others and how it feels when our voice is heard and opinions considered. The children played the ‘Question Game’ and were able to answer the questions and give fabulous reasons.
Why do we look at the person who is talking?
How do we show we are listening?
How do you feel when people listen to what you are saying?
Why is your voice important?
During the lesson we were visited by the school nurse, who discussed ‘Oral Hygiene’ with the children. The children met Lilly the dragon and were able to tell her what she would need to brush her very large teeth, how often she should clean them and get them checked and why it is important to keep her teeth clean and healthy.