This week we have started Talk for Writing of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. We have had a busy week; re-telling, acting out, making our own story maps and creating our own stick puppets and masks.
We have also been busy creating a bridge just like the one in the story. The children were really creative and thought of lots of different things we could use. We had to make sure the bridge was strong enough for the goats to walk over, and big enough for the nasty troll to fit under it!
“Who’s trip trapping across my bridge?
On Wednesday, we were able to recall and sequence some of the story in the correct order. However, to help us re-tell the whole story we created a class story map. Mrs Bi helped us draw our story map with her fabulous drawing skills! We also created our own story maps, and were able to retell the story using some fantastic story language and repeated refrains from the story. We really enjoyed getting into the role of the characters, especially the role of the nasty, mean Troll.

We have had an enjoyable week introducing Talk for Writing, and looking forward to adding actions to our story next week!