Story writing in Y3


This has been the final week of the Theseus and the Minotaur unit where Y3 have been planning and  writing their own Defeating the Monster tales.

It all started with a simple story map to draw and then retell their own stories based around a ‘Defeating the Monster’ story.

Then came the BIG writing… both Zainab and Aisha have truly astounded Miss Groom with the quality of their story writing!

Zainab has followed her plan and the story arc to the letter and manged to complete her story AND go back and start to make changes and improvements with her purple polishing pen.



Aisha has included lots of accurate dialogue between her main character Theseus and his father, King Aegeus. She has also spent time using her purple polishing pen to make changes to punctuation and also to improve her vocabulary by using synonyms for said.IMG_3733


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