Friday 19th May
Years 1 to 6 went to the Community Sports HUB to take part in sporting activities such as cricket, rounder’s, football, tennis and boxing. Everyone took part in each activity for 45 minutes. Despite the damp weather lots of fun was had by all. It was great to see all the children showing off what they had learnt in their PE lessons. The teachers have said that it was a fantastic day and great to see the children demonstrating their skill set out side of the classroom. This was great for the children’s physical development and we look forward to having more days like this next year.
Samir Y4 “My favourite sport was the tennis because we had lots of space to play which we don’t normally get in school.”
Tavani Y4 “My Favourite sport was cricket because we don’t normally play big games and I won a medal.”
Amira Y3 “I liked the football because it was really good playing on a proper grass pitch”
Reuben Y5 “Boxing was my favourite because the gym was really nice and I enjoyed using the bags.”