During this week we have looking at what will help us to be successful in Year 3. We discussed all the positive personal qualities such as respectfulness, kindness, understanding, sharing and working together.
We had an assembly by Miss Shryane about when we help others we become at peace with ourselves.
After the assembly we talked lots about the meaning of Peace and what it means to us as individuals, a class, as a St Clement’s family, a family at home, a community in Nechells and as a world wide community. We then created a display using the symbol of peace, the dove. We learnt that for peace to be spread it needs to start from with in us, so that was the theme of our display ‘Peace begins with me’. If I smile at someone, they will smile back, if I am kind to my friend, they will be kind back. When I show calmness, calmness will be reflected back.
What can you do today to let peace begin with you?
Have a look at our pictures and talk to Year 3 about what Peace means to them.