Look at our Troll Cress Heads!

This week, we have been busy making our very own Troll cress heads. We didn’t want our Troll’s to be bald, so we decided to grow some hair! Some of the children used their phonics knowledge to read some instructions to make their version of cress. They used cotton wool and kitchen roll.

We read these instructions and made our cress heads.

We also decided to make a different version of the cress heads to see which type would grow faster! First, we decorated our tiny pot with googly eyes and scary features, just like the troll in the story of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. Then we filled the pot with compost, but only half way. After that, we placed the cress seeds and  topped it up with more compost. Finally, we watered our cress heads and now waiting for the troll’s hair to grow!

Amelia scooping the compost into her pot.
Alisha’s mean troll’s face!
‘We are working together to make a cress head for Mrs Bi’


Day 4 of our growing Troll cress heads!
Day 4 of our growing Troll cress heads!




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