Jigsaw – Year 6

At the start of the session everyone including the adults, participated in the ‘Calm Me’ exercise. It was explained to the children that this was to help get their minds ready to learn.
The children were then shown ‘The Jigsaw Charter’ to help reinforce how they work together as a team.
The children played a game called ‘Off to Market’. The tracker started a song saying: “Jigsaw Jem went to market and bought……” Teacher filled in the blank with bananas, then the next child on the left had to sing the same song remembering what was bought and then adding another item. Each child would have to try and remember all the items and add their own to the list.
The ‘Open my mind’ exercise involved the children to write a list of what they would get if they won the lottery. They would then have to cross out all the things that they don’t ‘need’ and then review the list is see what’s left.
Finally the children looked at Maslow’s triangle and tried to understand his theory of the hierarchy of human need.

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