We did the ‘Calm me’ exercise at the beginning and explained that the benefit of this was to help the to learn by calming down their minds.
We shared ‘The Jigsaw Charter’ with the children to help reinforce how we work together as a group.
The ‘Connect us’ section of the lesson involved playing a game called ‘I sit in the woods’. The children had to sit in a chair in a circle with one empty chair remaining. Everyone had to rotate so that everyone was in a different seat to when they started.
The aim of ‘Tell me or show me’ was to get the children to solve a picture without using any verbal communication.
Finally, for ‘Let me learn’ the children were put into groups. They were asked to list the top six things ALL children need in order to be able to learn. All groups then feed back their lists to the group and then they picked the top six from all the lists.