Jigsaw – Year 1

Changing me
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
Shared the picture cards with children: baby lying down, a baby crawling, a toddler walking, a five year old running, a ten year old skipping. In groups, I asked the children to place them in sequence. I reinforced the learning that as we physically grow we also do more things.
On Flipchart, I drew the stem and on centre of a flower. Added one petal and stick the first picture (baby) into it. Drew the second petal and asked the children which picture should go in next (baby crawling). Continued until the flower is complete, helping children to understand that every time we learn something new we add a little bit onto ourselves, like adding a petal to a flower.

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