This week in RE we have started to look at what characteristics show that people have led good lives.
Mohammed thought that Martin Luther King had led a good life because of these qualities in his character:-
he fought for the rights of everyone, fought for equality, believed that you could be anything you want. He was dedicated, strong-minded and an inspiration to others.
Hamza thought Allah had led a good life because of these qualities in his character:-
he is a kind and loving God, who cared about people and forgave people when they had made the wrong choices.
In science this half term Year 6 have been studying light and shadow. They have looked at ways in which shadows are formed and how light from a light source is blocked by opaque objects and therefore shadows are created.
The children linked this with Christmas and made shadow puppets of reindeers and other Christmas ideas. The children will perform their shadow puppet plays next week.
During last week Year 6 have been looking at Victorian Workhouses in topic work. They had to imagine they were a child from the workhouse keeping a diary. They used the features of diary writing and even managed a shift in formality.
Today Year 6 visited the Black Country Living Museum as part of our Victorians topic.
We followed the trail of two Victorian children, a rich child called Harry and a poor child called Lillian. We visited examples of the typical houses of where they would have lived and were able to make interesting comparisons between them. Some of the children got to travel on the trolley bus which they found exciting and we all got to see a live chain making demonstration.
Overall an amazing day out and the children were a credit to St. Clement’s.
This week Year6 have been investigating shapes. We had to identify 3d shapes from their nets .We found that there were many different nets that could make a cube.
We had to measure accurately , this enabled us to create a net of a 3d shape.
Years 5 and 6 have completed the ‘Time 2 Shine’ program, delivered by Dare 2 Dream. They have enjoyed developing their team work skills, confidence and resilience.
This half term Year 6 were looking at electrical celebrations and had to make a prototype of a product they would like to light up. The children linked this with their Frozen Kingdom topic . They chose penguins and lighthouses. They had to make the circuit using wires, cells, bulbs and bulb holders . The children presented their prototypes to the class.