This week Year 6 have continued with our Mexico themed topic and created our own Mexican Artwork and also our very own Mexican food. We began by creating our own interpretation of the Ancient Mexican Gods during an afternoon.
Later in the week we got started on our cooking session. We started off by creating a set of instructions on ‘How to create Guacamole, Salsa sauce, and Quesadilla’s’. Once we had created our instructions, we went on making our very own Mexican food. Take a look below at all the great fun we had.
A selection of Year 6 children worked hard together to create a large ‘Elma The Elephant’ image and decorated the elephant with colourful tissue paper to make the image vibrant and to add texture. Elm along with other great artwork from other classes in the school will be added to our St. Clement’s Academy Book Bench. We are looking forward to seeing the final product.
During Maths Week Year 6 completed many activities all based around ‘Talk for Maths’ where children were able to develop mathematical language, through speaking and listening activities. Children completed a range of problem solving tasks, looked at profits, pricing, budgeting and created canvas artwork and bracelets (with a mathematical concept) to sell at the St.Clement’s Charity Fundraiser at the end of the week.
As this week was also Christian Aid and Islamic Relief Week, we also completed research on the both of the charities and the great work they do all over the world.
Take a look at all our hard work and the fun we had below.
On Tuesday, Year 6 went on a trip to the Coventry Museum. When we arrived at our location, we entered the museum which was filled with amazing facts about World War Two. We saw actual artefacts which were used during Word War Two and luckily a selection of our class members were given the opportunity to try some of the uniforms on and use some of the equipments. We were also fortunate enough to visit a air raid shelter which was located in the museum, which was used during the Blitz in World War Two. The children found this experience especially exciting as it helped them to understand what some of the children during WWII went through.
In addition to this, Year 6 were given the opportunity to explore transport which was used during WWII and recieved a talk by one of the museum staff on the evacuee experience of children during World War Two. Some children were given the opportunity to dress up in actual World War Two clothes and wore additional accessories which an evacuee would have used during this period (for example gas masks, name tags, etc).
Overall the children thoroughly enjoyed their visit and here are some pictures that captured their experience.
Year 6 started off their day exploring British Value’s and looked at some of the links that the British Values had to our current World War Two topic. Children produced some great persuasive pieces of writing based on the British Value ‘Tolerance’. During the morning children also had the opportunity to learn a few circus skills with the help of the instructor Stu.
Our afternoon was filled with excitement and joy as our class (along with the rest of the school) took part in a party to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday and St. George’s Day. There was music, food and lots of laughter.
Writing about British Values
Stu teaching Yr 6 new skillsDeveloping our skills.Showcasing my new skills.Balance is the key.