Category Archives: Year 5

Jigsaw – Year 5

Everyone, including the adults took part the Calm me activity to help make sure we’re ready to learn.

The children worked through their culture wheel and then compared their wheel with the other wheels in the class. This helped them to understand what cultural differences and similarities they shared.

For Tell me or show me, the class was divided into 6 groups. Each were given a blank culture wheel and a picture of a child. They then completed the culture wheel as if they were the child in the picture. Every group shared their wheel and were then told that all the children in the picture lived in the UK and were British citizens.

Year 5

This week, as part of their topic work, year 5 looked at the feudal system that was introduced into Britain by William the Conqueror. William confiscated the land in England from the Saxon lords and allocated it to members of his own family and the Norman lords who had helped him conquer the country.

We discussed the roles of each member of the feudal society and put them in order of hierarchy.IMG_0169 IMG_0168 IMG_0167 IMG_0166 IMG_0165 IMG_0164 IMG_0163 IMG_0162 IMG_0161 IMG_0160 IMG_0159 IMG_0158 IMG_0157 IMG_0156 IMG_0155 IMG_0154 IMG_0153

Jigsaw – Year 5

Yesterday, everyone, including the adults took part the Calm me activity to help make sure we’re ready to learn.

The children were then put into groups of four. One child from each group then took an item from Jigsaw Jez’s bag (rugby ball, spoon, pebble, key, bag of coins, bell etc).

Their mission was to make up a new game using the item they picked. Every group then shared their games with other groups and received feedback on whether they were good or not. They then discussed whether rules are necessary to enjoy the games.



As part of Child Safety Week, the children learnt all about ‘Pantosaurus’ and the NSPCC campaign. Classes from Reception to Year 6 enjoyed singing along and learning how to stay safe. Links for more information regarding the campaign, ‘Lets Talk PANTS’ can be found on the school newsletter or on the NSPCC website.

pant pant1

Year 5 Safety Week

As part of Safety week, Year 5 looked at how to keep our bodies safe from tobaccco, alcohol and drugs. We focussed on the dangers of smoking and researched facts about smoking and cigarettes before discussing our plan of action for the week. We role played children being offered cigarettes and thought about how best to combat this peer pressure. We decided to protect ourselves and other childen from this danger, we would write pesusaive letters to Theresa May urging her to ban smoking. We learnt duirng the week about how to keep ourselves safe.

Year 5 – Art

Year 5 created a picture of a flower by sketching out a flower and colouring the drawing roughly, adding more details as they went along. They needed to add more layers of colours to blend them together to produce their painting. They used oil pastels to create their painting and used their fingers as a method for blending.

Jigsaw – Year 5

We did the ‘Calm me’ exercise at the beginning and explained that the benefit of this was to help the to learn by calming down their minds.
We shared ‘The Jigsaw Charter’ with the children to help reinforce how we work together as a group.
The ‘Connect us’ section of the lesson involved playing a game called ‘I sit in the woods’. The children had to sit in a chair in a circle with one empty chair remaining. Everyone had to rotate so that everyone was in a different seat to when they started.
The aim of ‘Tell me or show me’ was to get the children to solve a picture without using any verbal communication.
Finally, for ‘Let me learn’ the children were put into groups. They were asked to list the top six things ALL children need in order to be able to learn. All groups then feed back their lists to the group and then they picked the top six from all the lists.

Year 5 maths investigation

As part of our work on 2D and 3D shape, we carried out shape investigations. We split into groups for 3 different learning activities.

  1. We used modelling materials to create 3d shapes and identified the properties of each using correct mathematical vocabulary.
  2. We identified the properties of 2D shapes including parallel and perpendicular lines, right angles and acute and obtuse angles. We then used these properties to sort our shapes using a enn diagram.
  3. We investigated nets of 3d shapes by recognising the number and shape of faces. We discovered that there are many different ways to draw the net of a cube.

Jigsaw – Year 5+6

In yesterdays session we started off by sharing the ‘jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.

We then played a ‘Blast Off’ game with the whole class. The game encouraged the class to work as a group and listen to each other. The better they worked as a team the more enjoyable the game became.

After the game was completed we worked through a ‘Calm Me’ activity. This helped the children to calm down so that they were ready to learn.

Next the children spent time looking at a PowerPoint that had pictures of British scenes. They then had to tell each other what thoughts came into their minds after looking at the picture.

New PHSE Scheme – ‘Jigsaw’

We have started a new scheme throughout the school which is called Jigsaw and will be following a new structure for PHSE lessons.
Jigsaw Logo
This week with year 3,4,5 and 6 I put up a PowerPoint example of a learning charter and explained about our rights and responsibilities which create a learning environment, in which everyone can learn well.  I explained when people take their responsibilities seriously, they can gain rewards. When they do not, there are consequences.
Children in groups created their own learning charter.
With Year 1 and 2 we did the ‘Calm Me’ time which develops mindfulness using breathing techniques, awareness exercises and visualisation. We then did circle time and introduced a new Jigsaw ‘Friend’ and mentioned that he/she will be part of their class and they will have to look after it.
We discussed the reason as to why the ‘Friend’ could be nervous and the children gave their own explanations.

Term 2.1 – Week 2 (15th-18th Jan)