Category Archives: Year 5

Year 5 – Fruit Tasting and Still Live Drawing

Last week, year 5 had lots of fun fruit tasting as part of International Week.  The class was filled with fruit from countries around the world. They were adventurous and had the opportunity to touch, smell and taste the different flavours of each fruit.

They also created live drawings of fruit. This lesson focused on observational drawing skills using colour.

Still live drawings teaches children how to layout a group of various objects such as fruit and how to shade or colour the drawings. how to look at objects and see them like an artist – with a perceptive awareness of their outline, shape, proportions, tone, colour, texture, form and composition.



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St. Clement’s Jigsaw Pupil Voice

“What I have enjoyed about Jigsaw so far is looking at differences and learning about different cultures.”

Carmen – Year 4

“My favourite lesson in Jigsaw was learning about differences.  Having another friend in the class who is different to myself as she is from Africa.  So I have learnt a lot about her background and that she can speak different languages.”

Selah – Year 5

“When I am using a computer and looking at the internet.  I have learnt that I should not share personal information online.”

Selah – Year 5

“I can show someone I care for them by listening to them when they speak to me.”

Mia – Year 2

“I’m enjoying Jigsaw lessons because we learn about different things.  I really like the chime when we can relax and clam down before doing our work”

Azaan – Year 2

“To be a good friend you have to say kind words to them and look after them when they fall over and hurt themselves.  And always remember to share things with them”

Amelia – Year 1

“PHSE helps the children in our school by helping us to learn about other important things outside of school.  In Jigsaw I have enjoyed learning about different cultures and that everyone is unique and that we get to learn about their cultures.”

Dhakiyah – Year 6

“I enjoy learning about different things.  And knowing our rights, which I found out in my first lesson of Jigsaw.  One of our rights is to get an education, which I didn’t know before.   I also learnt about our responsibilities within school.”

Abdullah – Year 3

St. Clement’s Pastoral Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice

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” I liked Safety Week because I learnt about keeping safe near water and how to spot dangers.”

Mosara Year 3


” I know how to stay safe at home. I also learnt that you do not tell strangers where you live.”

Taisa Year 1


” It was lots of fun learning about staying safe. I learnt lots of new things – you can not have a Minecraft account if you are under 13 years of age. Also if someone is rude to you on a chat during a game you must tell an adult and report the user. I also know to not share personal information online.”

Basil Year 4 



More From You!

” I learnt about the dangers of smoking and how smoke damages your lungs.”

Omar Year 5

” My class learnt all about Mindfulness. Mindfulness colouring helps you relax.” 

Ellis Year 2

” Breathing in and out slowly helps your body calm down and relax.”

Arinze Year 2

” I know that the Pastoral Team in school are there to take care of us, keep us safe, make sure we feel safe and happy and to help solve our problems.”

Mohammed Year 6

” School has taught us lots about staying safe like, crossing roads, being safe online, not opening doors to people, safe adults in school wear a pass or signing in badge and never share personal information with strangers.”

Basil Year 4 and Mohamed Year 6

” If children have a problem in school there are adults they can talk to – Teachers, Miss Akers, trusted adults and friends. “

Mosara Year 3

” Jigsaw and the teddy help us find a calm happy place and we do deep breaths to give our minds time to be quiet and to relax our heads.”

Taisa Year 1

” I enjoyed creating a Jigsaw Charter about Rights, Rewards, Responsibilities and Consequences in school.”

Mohammed Year 6

” Jigsaw Mindfulness helps us think about a nice, calm place.”

Basil Year 4

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Year 5 – International Week

As part of International Week, our children in year 5 learnt that there are seven continents on our planet: Africa, Asia, Antarctica, Europe, North America, South America and Oceania/Australia. They learnt that these seven continents varied in size.

They brought in artefacts that represented their cultural background to share with the class. Some children chose to share some facts that they had researched about their heritage while others brought in objects, pictures, clothing and jewellery.



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Year 5 –

This week year 5 discussed and identified different behaviours which might be bullying.

They discussed and shared the different kinds of bullying and explained how they are different. They were able to understand  that bullying isn’t something that happens once rather time and time again and that it is deliberate.

They shared what action they should take if they see or experience behaviour which they think might be bullying.



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Jigsaw – Year 5

Yesterday the children were told a scenario about a girl moving to a new school. She doesn’t really have any friends and another group of girls are being horrible to her. The girl then starts to receive nasty text messages and starts to feel lonely and sad.

In groups of two, the children are asked whether or not they feel she is being bullied or not? And why? We emphasised that bullying is not just physical but can also be verbal. It can happen online and in person.

Year 5 RE

Our RE topic this half term is Salvation. We are learning about Easter and the importance it holds for Christians. We began by sequencing the stations

of the cross using art work and discussed Christ’s journey. We wrote a paragraph to explain the role of Jesus in the Easter story and how this is reflected in the stations of the cross.

Jigsaw – Year 5

Everyone, including the adults took part the Calm me activity to help make sure we’re ready to learn.

The children played a game called ‘cool’ or ‘not cool’. The teacher went around the circle saying which child is not cool and which child is cool. The criterion for this was something simple eg let’s folded our arms crossed. The children were then asked how they would feel if they were the only one who was not ‘cool’.

For Let me learn the children went on a website canned ribbon template. In pairs the children came up with a ribbon to help fight against racism.

Year 5 World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day, Year 5 spent the afternoon discovering new authors. First there was a mystery- three books wrapped in brown paper. We read a part of each one and discussed which we prefered and what they might be about. Eventually, we voted and Sputnik became our new class reader. Then we chose from a number of new books to sit and share with our friends.

We also had a chance to share our favourite books from home with each other as well as with a visiting Year 4.

Our reading corner display now shows the new authors we discovered and will hopefully inspire us to try even more.

Jigsaw – Year 5

Everyone, including the adults took part the Calm me activity to help make sure we’re ready to learn.

The children worked through their culture wheel and then compared their wheel with the other wheels in the class. This helped them to understand what cultural differences and similarities they shared.

For ‘Tell Me or Show Me’, the class was divided into 6 groups. Each were given a blank culture wheel and a picture of a child. They then completed the culture wheel as if they were the child in the picture. Every group shared their wheel and were then told that all the children in the picture lived in the UK and were British citizens.