In Health Week, year 5 focussed on eating. We made healthy flapjacks, wrote explanations of the digestive system and painted healthy fruit. Painting the fruit with watercolours gave us a chance to consider our mental health as well as we concentrated on peace and relaxation. Parents joined us for this session and even little sisters joined in with the painting. Thank you everyone who came.
Category Archives: Year 5
Jigsaw – Year 5
Year 5 investigate jelly
Following on from their work investigating which substances were soluble, year 5 generated their own questions about whether they could speed up the rate at which substances dissolved. We worked in groups to choose a question to investigate and see if we could make jelly dissolve faster. Groups investigated whether the size of the piece of jelly affected the rate or the temperature of the water or the number of times it was stirred. We recorded our observations and the time taken to completely dissolve before writing a conclusion.
Jigsaw – Year 5
School Sports Day
St Clement’s Sports Day at the Community Sports HUB
All children in year 1 – 6 took part in activities such as football, rounders, dodge ball, netball, archery and an inflatable obstacle course. As well as being treated to ice cream and a gymnastics show from our very own gymnast super star. A great day had by all children, staff and parents.
year 5 staying safe
On Thursday, year 5 had a visit from the nurse with important information. They learnt all about the dangers of alcohol, smoking and drugs and joined in a discussion about how to avoid peer pressure and stay safe. It was a very informative session and the children had lots of questions for the nurse.
Jigsaw – Year 5
Jigsaw – Year 5
Year 5 science experiments
Year 5 have just started a new topic- Alchemy Island. Over the next half term, we will be investigating the world of alchemy, discovering gold and changing materials. We began this week by learning about solutions. We carried out an investigation to discover which materials were soluble and which were insoluble. We made predictions and observed the changes when we added the substance to the water. There were some surprises.