Category Archives: Year 5

Year 5 – Remembrance assembly

Today ,Friday 11th November, Year 5 presented a Remembrance Assembly.

The children really wanted to mark the end of their topic work on WWII by showing respect and thanks to all the soldiers who fought in WWI, WWII, and other conflicts that have happened around the world. The children explained that Armistice Day was the day that the guns stopped firing during WWI and that Remembrance Sunday is always the first Sunday after the 11th November.







We created  art work inspired by the poppies of Flanders Field and displayed it during our assembly. We then explained why a poppy is worn and what each part represents.




Emotive WWII poetry

Our week in Literacy has found Year 5 researching ,  studying and writing poems based around World War II and evacuation. The children have read a variety of  WWII poetry and highlighted words and phrases that they liked and felt they might be able to use in their own writing.







The children then wrote their own poem. Here are some examples of their work.

He is leaving

My child is my love,

I have to to let him go.I am shattered to pieces the moment you walked away.

I cried an ocean for you, 

my feet refused to walk away.

I sacrificed my life for you.

A headache grows,

your hand might shake but I know this is the right thing to do.



The day you handed me over

The day you handed me over was the most tragic day of my life,

You handed me over, I cried in sorrow and despair as you kissed my hand and said goodbye,

My mother walked away and wiped away her tears with her handkerchief, I didn’t know what to say until suddenly I muttered,

“Please don’t leave me like this.”

I wish she could come with me, but she mumbled ,

“I am sorry my baby girl, but I can not come, I have to watch over the city.”

She wrapped her bare arms around me and said goodbye,

Ever since I left her I look at the locket of me, her and dad.

By Poppy


My Dear Daughter

My eyes flood with tears, as you walk away. My heart feels like it is going to explode, 

I don’t know who I am anymore.

I wave good bye for the rest of my life,

My smile dies when you walk away.

My soul drifts away,

My love fades away, I am nothing.

By Zaara



PSHE – Year 5

During PSHE in Year 5 this week children looked at Friendships and making the right choices. We looked at scenario’s where someone may ask you to keep a secret which may make the children feel unsafe and a secret which might make them feel safe. Children discussed with their peers how they would deal with these situations and shared their reasons for this with their groups (and later their class). As a class children showed a clear understanding of how to deal with situation that they are uncomfortable with and were very clear on who they could share information with if they felt unsafe or uncomfortable about something.




Persuasion and Problems in Year 5

This week, Year 5 have been developing their skills at persuasive writing.  We have based it around our topic work on evacuees in World War 2 and have written a letter to parents persuading them to evacuate their children to a safer environment.

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We rehearsed new sentence types to a develop our  writing skills.DSC02255

DSC02259 DSC02261Then we selected vocabulary that would enhance our work.










In Maths we studied how to find the area and perimeter of shapes. On Friday we put our knowledge to the test by solving multi step word problems.





We worked in groups and earned points on how we worked together, the way we explained how we solved the problem and if we got the answer correct.


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Year 5 PSHE

This week, during PSHE, the children looked at difference and living together. They were able to discuss, in groups, the work carried out by Nelson Mandela and how he dreamed of a rainbow nation. Together, the children answered questions, which helped them to think about how we live as a community and the importance of  being tolerant and understanding of others.

Article 30: Every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family, regardless of whether these are shared by the majority of the people in the country where they live.

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Miss Akers

Year 5 2D and 3D maths work

This week Year 5 have been classifying and identifying the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. In our lessons we have been developing and applying all our knowledge to create our own 3D shapes.

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We created chatter boxes which had information about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

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We created our own cuboid boxes which involved us measuring with a ruler accurately.

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The cuboids were then tuned into gas mask boxes which fits into our topic work on  World War 2.


Two of our very sad evacuees.


Year 5 PSHE

During PSHE, this week, the children looked at different types of relationships.


Article 15: Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.

The children were able to identify positive relationships and qualities they look for in a friend. Working together, the children discussed the meaning of a gang or group. We highlighted that some groups help us to showcase our talents and build on our skills. As a class, we found out that some of us attend dance groups, football clubs, karate clubs and many others.

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The children also discussed the negative behaviour of some gangs and groups and how this stops other people enjoying their rights.

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Miss Akers

Year 5 PSHE

This week, during PSHE, the children identified talents, goals and aspirations. They were able to discuss the difference between a short term goal and a long term aspiration.


Circle time games, helped the children to listen to each other and share their aspirations for the future.



The children were able to identify the challenges they might face and what they would do to overcome them.

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Miss Akers

Year 5 PSHE

This week, in PSHE, we discussed the difference between crime, unacceptable behaviour and anti-social behaviour. We were able to talk in groups, sort different situations into the three categories and identify the difference between legal and illegal behaviour.


We now know that a crime is when a law has been broken, anti-social behaviour is acting in a manor that causes harassment, alarm or distress to others and unacceptable behaviour is when we do something that is not nice, or not allowed.

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Next week, we will begin to look at the meaning of community.

Miss Akers