Category Archives: Year 5

A warning story in Year 5.

This half term, Year 5 are writing warning stories. To help with this, there has been a lot of drama, exploring characters , reading warning stories and talking as they get to know the text. Today, children worked in groups to act out the story, using a narrator to add their descriptions. I am sure their written work next week will reflect the hard work they have put in.

Making a mummy in Year 5

Year 5 had a great start to their topic with a visit to Birmingham museum and art gallery.

The children learnt to mummify a pharoah by taking out his organs and wrapping him tightly in bandages. They also had a chance to visit the Egyptian gallery and sketch real mummies.  There will be lots of work linked to this in the topic and art lessons over the next half term.

Egg-stra maths

Year 5 had an egg-citing time in maths this week.

All week we have been learning about volume, we begun the week by making cubes and cuboids out of cubes and calculating the volume of our shapes. By the end of the week we were eggs-tremely confident in how to calculate the volume of a cuboid by multiplying three measurements together.

On Thursday we were given an eggs-tremely difficult maths problem.


Mrs Hall gave us an egg, some scales, two beakers, some water, a ruler, a protractor and a piece of string.


We had to calculate the volume of the egg. Some of us tried to measure the surface with the string as we thought it was the same as calculating the area of a cuboid.  Yet, that did not work.


We thought we could weigh the egg but that did not work.


Egg-ventually (and with a lot of help and support from Mrs Hall) we solved the problem. Mrs Hall showed us to put the small beaker inside the big beaker and filled it with water. We realised that if we  dropped the egg (carefully) into the water it would displace some of the water. The water displaced would be the volume the egg took up.


It was definitely an egg-citing lesson!


Sporty Year 5

Over the past three weeks we have been attending King Edward Grammar School’s sports track. We had such a good time and were sad it was our last week. We have taken part in lots of different sports. We have played cricket, rounders and athletics.

We were very surprised that they had a separate area for sports that wasn’t near their school.

We asked Year 5 what they thought:

“I liked being on a post in rounds because I got people out,” Charlie



“I loved playing cricket, it’s my favourite sport!” Hamza


“Cricket was really fun, even Mr Burton had a go, but we couldn’t get him out!” Emad


“I liked athletics as we had races and I kept winning,” Sofiat



“I enjoyed playing rounders and trying to catch people out,” Poppy




Creation and Science

In Year we have been thinking about the question:
Creation and science: conflicting or complementary?

We have discussed Creation as it is written in the Bible in Genesis 1 and 2. We can confidently explain how Christians believe the universe was created.

We have begun to explore the theory of Evolution and how that might differ from the Bible.

We created questions and used a Venn Diagram to see whether we could answer them using Genesis, the theory of Evolution or whether we could look for answers in both.


We are looking forward to exploring the differences of opinion in Christianity and how some Christians interpret Genesis.