This week, in PSHE, the children continued to work on what makes them special. They began to look at the values they have and what they do that makes them feel proud. Showing their creative side, the children made up poems about themselves to reflect the people they are.
The children felt it was important to be positive and to encourage happiness in others. When discussing feeling proud, all the children were able to identify their achievements and showed praise and respect for the achievements of others.
A need or a want? The question Year 4 answered, during PSHE, this week. The children sorted items into needs and wants and gave reasons for their choices. After small group and whole class discussions, the children agreed to a list of needs.
Clean water
Safe/Warm shelter
Clean clothing
To be safe from harm
To be loved
Year 4, were able to see how their needs related to the UNICEF rights of the child.
What is the meaning of grateful? Was the next question for Year 4 to answer. The children, worked together, to find the meaning of grateful and to put it into their own words. They then identified what they were grateful for and recorded it on post-its. The children then placed their notes into a class gratitude box, ready for next weeks lesson.
Year 4 have been investigating the properties of different liquids. We worked in 3 groups to pour the same amount of liquid down the pipe and time how long it took to reach the bottom. We discussed how to make it a fair test and predicted which liquid would travel down the pipe the quickest. We discovered that the thicker liquids traveled slower down the pipe.
Year 4 visited Singers Hill Synagogue as part of our exciting work in Judaism. During our visit we were able to look around the beautiful synagogue to learn more about Jewish history and traditions. When we entered the synagogue we identified Jewish symbols and artifact and learnt more about how they are used in the Jewish faith. We wore kippahs, which are traditionally worn by Jewish boys during prayer. We were able to see inside the ark and look at the special Torah scrolls.
Year 4 have been learning about their new science topic states of matter. We worked in groups to classify materials into solids, liquids and gases. We shared our work with the class and justified our reasons for our choices. We learnt more about the properties of the three materials.
During PSHE this week, we looked at how Police Officers report crimes and the information they need to know. We used drama to showcase our work and completed police reports for the crimes we acted out.
We were able to work together in small groups to plan our drama and enjoyed presenting our work to the rest of the class.
During Roald Dahl week we studied James and the Giant Peach. We began the week by measuring the circumference of different fruit. Then we went into the playground to explore how big the peach would have to be to fit in James and all his insect friends.
We created our own peach using two paper plates and drew the insects to go inside. Also we used papier mache to make the seagulls that save the peach from deadly sharks.
After reading an exciting part of the story we wrote instructions to help James escape the deadly sharks.
Working together, the children were able to discuss their learning, on self worth, form last week. They then worked in pairs to complete their Dot Com journals. This encouraged the children to talk through what they are good at, the importance of confidence and to think about what makes them feel proud.
Next week, we will be welcoming some exciting visitors, so our topic ‘All About Me’ will continue in a weeks time.
This week in PSHE, the children began to recognise their own self worth as individuals and were encouraged to identify what makes them special. As a class, the children took part in various circle time games that helped them to identify what they are good at and the qualities they have. Using their Dot Com journals and the UNICEF Children’s Rights handbook, the children were able to discuss their right to an identity and how their individuality makes them special.
UNICEF Children’s Rights
Next week, Year 4 will use their Dot Com journals to think about what makes them unique and explore how the Dot Com characters show off their talents.
In Year 4 we have been studying the artwork of Pablo Picasso. We discussed the shapes and colours in his portraits and used these techniques to create our own self-portraits. We followed a step-by-step guide to draw our face. Then we used bright colours to colour our own artwork.
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