Category Archives: Year 3

Year 3 PSHE

The class reader this week was Ria.


This week, during PSHE the children looked at how we live and work together. They were able to think of how and why it is important to be understanding of others. Working in groups, the children discussed the meaning of a faith and how there are many different faiths in the school, community, country and world.

Article 30: Every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family, regardless of whether these are shared by the majority of the people in the country where they live.

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Miss Akers

Volcanoes and Divas – part one

It has been a busy week in Green class this week with lots of art and design technology enhancing our learning. Miss Shryane worked with Green class to create volcano models. Hopefully the models will dry over the weekend and then we will paint them and make them erupt!

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With our Religious Education learning being all about Diwali, Year 3 have also made their own diva lamps from clay. Divali means “rows of lighted lamps”.People light lots of small oil lamps called diyas or divas.  They are placed around the home and in gardens to remember how Rama and Sita were welcomed home.

Hindus believe that by lighting these lamps, the goddess Lakshmi will visit them and bring them wealth.

We used a ‘thumb pot’  design and are now patiently waiting for them to dry so they can be painted in bright, eye catching colours next week.


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Read our blog next week to find out how well our volcano models erupted and how we decorated our diva lamps.

Year 3 PSHE

To start the lesson, this week, Codie shared a story with us. This helped the children to learn about showing respect to others and developed their listening skills.

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The main focus of the lesson, this week, was similarities and differences. The children discussed the meaning of difference and whether this is a good or bad thing. The children, all agreed being different is good. They were able to talk, with confidence, about what made them different and also what similarities they shared, not only with their family, but with friends, teachers and people within their community.

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Using their Dot Com journals, the children completed work on when being different can make them feel uncomfortable. Being the youngest, not being good a sport and being the only boy or girl in a group, were some of the situations the children came up with.

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Miss Akers

Green class travel back in time to 79AD

Our topic this half term is called Tremors and this week Green class have travelled back in time to 79AD and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii.

map blogY3 have explored this event through freeze frames and hot seating and discussed how they would have felt witnessing the thunderous blast from the volcano and seeing the pillar of ash shooting from the throat of Vesuvius. Then the raining down of red-hot rocks and thick poisonous gas cloud that engulfed and destroyed the city and its entire population of 20,000 people.


Have a look at our freeze frames and see if you can work out the feelings of Green class.

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Year 3 PSHE

This week, in PSHE, we returned to our topic ‘I am Special’. Using talk partners, the children were able to discuss what they enjoyed doing on their own and what they enjoyed sharing with friends.

SDC10511They then identified things they can do for themselves and what tasks they may need help with. The children discussed, feeling proud, when they achieve something new, or do something for themselves for the first time.

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Miss Akers


This half term Y3 are focusing on the key question ‘Would celebrating Diwali at home and in the community bring a sense of belonging to a Hindu child?‘ As a class we have discussed our own ideas and views about what belonging is and this week have continued our learning with finding out what is the story behind Diwali.

After hearing all about Rama, Sita, Hanuman and Ravana’s adventures, Green class worked with a partner to create a story map.Then they used the map to help them keep track of the key events and characters whilst using their puppets to perform and share their understanding of the story.DSC02329 DSC02330 DSC02331 DSC02332

Ask Green class to tell you the story.



Year 3 PSHE


Today, we welcomed two special visitors to the school, who helped us with our lesson on, ‘The Emergency Services’. We discussed the importance of the, 999, service and how it should be respected. In table groups, we talked about when we might call 999 and the information we would need to know to share with the operator. The two officers also helped us understand the purpose of the number, 101, and when we might need to use this. The lesson was great fun and a fabulous opportunity to ask lots of questions.

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Miss Akers

Place Value Matters.

This week in Year 3 Maths lessons have been all about place value. We have been embedding and extending our knowledge of numbers. We have looked at reading and writing our numbers correctly, using Base 10 to partition a number and split it into its hundred tens and ones and some of us have even been looking at thousands.

Miss Groom challenged her group to solving the place value ice cream problem. We had to work together to discuss and match the words, the numerals, the expanded form and how many thousands, hundreds, tens and ones each number had.

Have a look below at our successes 🙂 DSC01398 DSC01399 DSC01406