Category Archives: Year 3

6’s and 7’s

In this week’s 6’s and 7’s session we talked about each of us being a special, growing person with personal strengths on which to build. We looked at how we are alike and also learnt that each of us is unique.
Children drew pictures of themselves doing something they are good at. These activities helped the children to get to know each other and become comfortable working together as a group.
Year 1/2 (12-09-17),  Year 3 (13-09-17),  Year 4 (14-09-17)

Welcome back Y3

What an exciting start to the new school year. There have been lots of new and different things for Year 3 to get used to. From having their own lockers, an upstairs classroom, new teachers, a later break and lunchtime, and also buying their own fruit.  Everyone is getting used to the new routines. Please talk to your child about these changes and if there are any worries or questions please raise them with either Miss Groom or Miss Spoor.

Our new topic for this half term is called Tribal Tales where Year 3 will be learning all about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. This week the class have been formulating questions to guide our research.

SPOILER alert! Next week Y3 will be taking part in a Stone Age learning experience day in their classroom on Friday. First taking on the role as an archaeologist and then having a go at grinding flour and weaving just like Stone Age people.


As the start of our new topic ‘Flow’, Year 3 visited Beacon Park, Lichfield. We had a great day with Ruth the Ranger observing, sampling and measuring Lemonsley Brook.  After meeting Ruth, we split into three groups and started our activities.  Those of us with wellies on were allowed into the brook to help Miss Groom measure the width and depth of the brook. We then had to measure the temperature of the water and the last part was the most fun.  To measure how fast the brook was flowing we played the traditional game of Pooh Sticks with dog biscuits because they float and are also kind to the environment. Those without wellies timed them to see how fast the dog biscuits took to travel down river.  We also measured how clean the water was, as this would tell us how well the plant would grow.  The more circles we could see at the bottom of the container, the cleaner the water was.

Next, we went pond dipping with Ruth to take samples of the different creatures living in the brook.  We managed to catch and observe a few creatures. Basil even caught a fish! This proves how clean the water is in Lemonsley Brook. We dragged a net in the water and then emptied our nets into a tray, we then used an identification chart to help us identify the things we had caught.  It was great fun and really interested to see what lives below the surface of the water.

Miss Akers and her group looked at the trees along the river bank and identified them from our key.  There were eight different trees alongside the river. Why not ask Year 3 to see if they can name them?

Creativity Week meets Hamlet

This week it has been Creativity Week at St. Clement’s. Y2 and Y3 have been working together over the week to aid smooth transition. All of our learning this week has been themed around Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Hamlet tells the story of what happens after a ghostly figure of his father appears before Prince Hamlet and tells him some dreadful truths. What will Hamlet do next? Ask Y3 or Y2 to share a summary of the main events of the story.

Have a look at this short animation 🙂


The week started with Y3 and Y2 ‘buddying up’ and after lots of discussion about Hamlet and castles. Each pair worked collaboratively to design a castle.

After reviewing the designs each pair then worked with clay to create a 3D model of their castle design.


Year 3 have been talking during Circle Time over the last few weeks about transition and moving to Year 4. Year 3 were able to talk and share their feelings around this sometimes difficult time of the year. A range of feelings were shared from excited and happy to anxious, worried and scared.  We discussed and decided that it is ok to have these feelings and that if we do feel this way it is important to share with a trusted adult.

Year 3 then decided to help Year 2 with their transition as they knew they would be having similar feelings. Both classes got together and Year 3 were able to answer questions from Year 2. By working in smaller groups, everyone got a chance to ask their own questions. By the end of the session everyone in Year 2 was feeling a lot happier about their move into Year 3.

Innovate Gods & Mortals

Year 3 have finally reached the end of their Gods & Mortals topic, with sports days, unexpected closures, bank holidays and a jam packed curriculum it has taken a little bit longer than expected.

On Monday, a mysterious box with a heavy lock is found. A sign on the box says ‘Do not open’. What should YOU do? Year 3 spent time discussing reasons for and against opening the box.  Then they heard the story of Pandora’s Box.  Ask Year 3 to tell you about  the moral of the story? Have you ever let your curiosity allow you to do something you shouldn’t have?

When Pandora opened her box all sorts of evil things flew out so Year 3 decided to create their own boxes and fill them with good things that could be let out! What feelings, hopes and good things would you put into your box?

The next stage was to design their boxes. There were lots of questions for consideration…how big will it be? How will it open and close? Will it have a lock? What colours and decorations will it have? How can you make it special?

Finally, time to use their cutting, sticking and modelling skills to make the box.

Have a look at our beautiful boxes.