Category Archives: Year 2

Warwick Castle adventures

On Tuesday, Year 2 went on an adventure to Warwick Castle as part of our topic about Castles.

As soon as we got there, we were overwhelmed with how tall the castle was. There were tall, winding towers and strong, stone walls surrounding the grounds. We had such a fun time exploring all of the different parts of the castle and the children were very well behaved.

While we were there, we explore the 500 steps to the top of the tower where we could see over the whole of Warwick. We also saw a massive trebuchet fling a rock over the castle walls, an amazing archer demonstrate his fantastic aim and we even saw a very clever eagle show off it’s flying skills.


We had such a fantastic day!



Eid Mubarak!

Last week, Year 2 performed a fantastic class assembly. We had been learning all about Islam in R.E and we have learned lots about Ramadan and the festival of Eid – Ul -Fitr.

The children dressed up and told a story about a boy called Ibrahim, who was fasting for the first time. They told the story about how he had learned from his readings of the Qu’ran and was thankful for what he had.

The children were confident and comfortable on stage and delivered a fantastic assembly! Well done Year 2!

Year 2 Class Assembly – Eid

Last week, Year 2 performed a fantastic class assembly. We had been learning all about Islam in R.E and we have learned lots about Ramadan and the festival of Eid – Ul -Fitr.

The children dressed up and told a story about a boy called Ibrahim, who was fasting for the first time. They told the story about how he had learned from his readings of the Qu’ran and was thankful for what he had.

The children were confident and comfortable on stage and delivered a fantastic assembly! Well done Year 2!


Jigsaw – Year 1 & 2

Changing me
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
children siting in a circle, Jigsaw jack holds up a picture of me as a baby. Children then had to help Jigsaw jack to work out who this is? Why is it so difficult to tell? I then invited a child to carefully choose a baby photo from the box.  I ask the children to to help Jigsaw Jack to work out who is in the photo, whose baby photo is this? How do we know? Is it difficult to work out?
In pairs, children talk about the ways they can think of that they have changed since they were babies. Shared round the circle the ideas they have come up with.

Jigsaw – Year 2

Changing me
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
We all sat in a circle and sang the Jigsaw song: changing as I grow. Showed PowerPoint pictures of a baby, toddler, teenager, adult and elderly person. In talking partners, asked children to describe two changes they can visibly see that happened to an elderly person. Shared ideas. Discussed with children how our bodies might change and asked them to think about what other changes might happen, e.g. bodies become slower, old people run less but might get wiser and kinder. Magen the point that change is a natural process as we get older and we have no control over it.
Read the book ‘my grandpa is amazing’ and discussed what happened in the story.

Into faith week.

This week Year 2 completed their Into faith week and we were learning all about Islam. They children are very knowledgeable and know lots of interesting information about Parent’s workshop where we shared information about Mecca, the holy city in Saudi Arabia.

During the workshop, the children and their parents got crafty by making their own version of the Ka’ba, which is the holy building in the centre of Mecca. Many Muslims believe this is the birthplace of the prophet Muhammed.

Here are our fantastic versions… 

Secret Garden Family Project.

This week Year 2 have completed their amazing family projects where they have designed and built their own secret garden. These have been based on the garden we have been learning about in our literacy lessons. Children were asked to use their imaginations and resourcefulness to make their garden out of anything they wanted!

The effort and creativity that has been put into each garden is fantastic so thank you to all the supportive mums, dads and family members that have worked so hard!

Here are all of the brilliant entries. See which one you think is the best!



Jigsaw – Year 2

Relationships – trust and appreciation
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
What does it mean to trust someone? Talked about the things that help trust grow, e.g honesty, always being there, keeping good secrets, being a good listener, standing up for you, etc.  Asked the children for their ideas. Had a balloon ready and with each new suggestion I added a puff of air to the balloon. Explained to the children that trust builds over time; just as the balloon is growing bigger, so does trust.
Read the story ‘Don’t tell lies!’
I explained that by telling the truth helps people trust us. We discussed how telling lies and not being truthful can damage trust. I held the balloon up and explained that telling lies pops someone’s trust in you just like popping a balloon.

Jigsaw – Year 2

Last week on Thursday in Year 2 we shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ and discussed with the children how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
The children looked at a PowerPoint slides of different families and allowed the children to observe. Shared with the children the book, Who’s in a family?
I explained to the children that they are all families and that families come in all different shapes and sizes. I asked the children why we have families. Explained that they are there to protect us and love us.

Green fingered gardeners.

In between getting ready for SATs, Year 2 are becoming fantastic gardeners!

If you visit our classroom you will find beautiful sunflowers growing, delicious coriander, scrumptious carrots,  and tasty basil. We are making sure we look after them by watering them and making sure they are in the sun. Soon we will plant them outside so they can grow even bigger.

We have also been using our observation skills to draw daffodils and using our super shading skills to colour them in. They have really brightened up our classroom display!

Check in with Year 2 to see their progress!